christmas & stuff

Dec 26, 2012 10:02

Made it through another Christmas. Whew! The shopping almost killed me, but I did manage to pick up a few things for myself along the way. (Surprisingly good deals on Monster High dolls were to be had! Woohoo!)

Ate far too much pie in the last few days, but there were banana cream pies AND coconut cream pies, so I had to try at least a little bit of each! I've really gotta stop soon, but then after the pies are gone, there's all the Godiva truffles I have to eat! And yes, I DO have to eat them. They're the tiramisu kind, you can't let THAT go to waste! But omigod holiday treats need to stop soon, because I need to fit back into my corset for reenacting this spring!!

Watched the Doctor Who Christmas special, of course, and am happy to say I adored it. It was very funny, which I loved, since I prefer it when DW is more fun and doesn't try to be deep, serious drama. Dramatic moments here and there are fine, but if you're being attacked by evil Snowmen, you have to keep the tone light, and thankfully they did.

There were several great scenes too; Clara wandering up the staircase in the sky with the Tardis sitting in the clouds was just cool. The scenes with the Doctor bantering with the little Sontaran guy were hilarious, and I hope Vastra and her little crew will be showing up again. And the scene with the Ice Lady bursting through the door when we were all expecting the Doctor, was perfectly terrifying, I loved it. And someday I will totally cosplay the hell out of Clara's red barmaid dress. With all the time travel, there just aren't enough bustle dresses on DW. ;)

Going into it, I was a little wary of the new girl, having loved Amy and Rory so much, and one fears that for every Rose there's a Martha, but actually, I like New Girl quite a lot. I was worried she'd be too cutesy, because she's SO pretty, but she seems like good fun. She's got enough of the slightly crazy aura about her that she fits in with the Doctor and his nutty pals, and she was clever and fairly tough, and no whining so far, so hopefully this bodes well for the new season. It's nice that she's somebody we've met before, too, since it doesn't feel so much like the Doctor is just randomly picking up hot Earth chicks (but you know he totally is, LOL!), and the audience can get a headstart looking for clues to this season's underlying mystery.

And thank goodness this Doctor doesn't angst as badly as the other ones! Of course we know he's sad to lose Amy, but it's so much better that they just hinted that he'd been brooding for a while, and now we're coming in on the part where he gets his groove back, rather than an hour and a half of pointless whining and flailing. It was lovely to just get to sit back and watch Matt Smith be as adorable as ever. Bring on season seven. :D

(I'm super weirded out by the fact that there was a Victorian governess named Clara in it though, since a few years back I started a fic about the Doctor meeting a new companion at Christmas who was a Victorian governess named Clare. Except that mine was set in 1851, which was also a setting that subsequently got used in a Christmas special. It's too creepy to have my unfinished fics turn up in pieces on the show, I just need to write for DW already! Put me on staff, guys, since I obviously know what you're going to write before you do! Of course, it could just be that the Doctor has forgotten his psychic paper during a random trip to earth... heehee!)

doctor who, christmas

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