A post in which I lament the loss of much beloved period dramas *sobs*

Feb 11, 2012 21:23

Saturday evening television is SO boring without Lark Rise to Candleford!! Or Garrow's Law. Or Murdoch Mysteries. I've been trying to watch Land Girls but it's so stupid, and I really can't get into it. It just feels full of cliches and none of the characters are particularly likeable. At least on Lark Rise even the characters you didn't like you still, well, liked. Pearl Pratt, for instance, was just obnoxious and horrrible but you couldn't hate her completely because she was a fully realized person with different layers to her personality; all the characters felt like real people and not just characters, you know? That's called quality writing, and whoever at the BBC decided to pull the plug on it is an idiot beyond measure.

I've been having a look at imdb.com to see if there's more of Murdoch and Garrow, in the hopes they might return to PBS soon, or at least to hunt down on DVD, and it appears there's three more seasons of Murdoch, but only one more of Garrow's Law. I'm happy that there's something, but it appears the third series is going to be the last, which makes me so sad! Especially since it's only got four episodes each series, and that's not a lot considering that I'd adopted it as my replacement for Lark Rise. Why on earth would they not continue on with something so good? There must be so much material still to draw on in the Old Bailey records, it could go on forever! I'll bet the same idiot who cancelled Lark Rise killed Garrow's Law too. Most likely the BBC has hired a monkey or a dog or something to randomly select which shows go and which stay, because I can't think how someone with an actual human brain would choose to cancel the two most intelligently written, superbly acted, and all around handsomely produced shows the BBC has done since, well, EVER!

I think I need some Lark Rise or Garrow's Law icons, in defiance of cruel fate. (Or just in defiance of evil TV executives. Grr.)

garrow's law, period dramas

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