Mar 10, 2006 17:17
Dear peeps,
So here is a huge update. I am not sure what to think about it, but this is what happened. Yesterday around 12:00 noon I was walking in the hallway towards *Mark and a group of my friends. When I reached them he turned to me and mouthed that he needed to talk. I nodded and said okay. then he said that is grades are bad and that we " Officially have to brake-up" I was really confussed when latter he said to my friend who wanted some answeres that he didn't brake up with me that's just what he is going to tell his family. Not that I care b/c i hate his guts and said to him " If you really gave a shit about me, you would not lie to your parents and you'd just tell them to fuck off!" And there for I was not going to take that shit form him.
supriseingly, I am still really up set that he broke-up with me infront of all those people.
At the same time I am releived cause not I am free to love Vallyn and not feel guilty about it ya know.
What else is going on? Well today i have to go to school. Then its off to a hard core hour of hip-hop dance. Then at 7:30 Tom is picking me up and at 8:30 we are going to a comedy show. And I go home at 10:45. That just about the latest I have ever been out with premission form the MC and Fumbling Bob. so that's cool.
Got nothing else to say so latters!