I firmly believe that our technology obsessed society robs children of something vitally important - boredom. I remember being excessively and repeated bored so many times during my childhood and adolescence. That boredom helped shape who I am. But these days no one is allowed to be bored (freak out alert: I just used the phrase “these days” - I am
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I’ve had some success too, as a couple of dormant journalers have arisen from the dead and posted again. I’ve also had some failures, with some of my inactive friends list blatantly ignoring my attempts to irk, vex and bother them. I just want these journalers to know that I’m not giving up! I intend to keep nudging until I get what I want - reading material! Now that I’m back on here, it just seems very selfish of these non-updatey LJers not to entertain me. Lift your game, dormant journalers. Journaling isn’t all about you, you know - journaling is all about ME! I demand friends page satisfaction, so get to it! If not, more nudges will rain down upon you.
Lemme guess Jen you were '"THAT Girl" in school too.. Oh sure you know the one 'Little Miss Goody Two Shoes' always gettin us cool kids off our asses to help out with the christmas toy drive for the poor kids or the lame spring dance decorations or even a birthday gift for the mean ole teacher we all hated.. well except you.. and YES deep down you had NO love for the teacher either butt yer dear ole Mom taught you to.. "DO THE RIGHT THING" Jen even if it is unpopular.
Did I mention when you poke me I always imagine myself poking you back butt in real life.. you know.. poke yer boob or slap yer butt.. I always find that the good girls like you step back and put a hex on me then call me a perverted name er two then leave me alone to do what ever doing nuttin does..
Or you turn the other ass cheek and smile while askin for 'another please Sir'.. after which we head out behind the school to take it up a notch er two till you slap me hard, to put an end to all theses hands all over you shenanigans.. after all Jen.. 'Yer a GOOD girl' (coughchoke) ..right! :>)
Oh Jen Jen Jen .. yer killin me here Babe, butt I love yews to pieces anyway eh..
I know what you're trying to do by telling me what you imagine, Dave! You're trying to intimidate me into backing off with the nudges, but it won't work. I've known you were a sexually depraved lunatic for some time now so I'm not overly surprised to read what you think of the nudges haha :P Imagine whatever you like, you amusing nutty Canuck - I'm not going to be deterred!!
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