It’s really a travesty of justice and equality that fingernails are afforded the right to be grown long and fashioned into talon-like points but toenails receive no such societal acceptance. I’m not saying you couldn’t grow your toenails long and file them into points (then walk stealthily close to your enemies and sideswipe their legs, using your nails in a manner similar to chariot wheel spokes to injure and maim), but something tells me it would never catch on as a fashion trend. Maybe if foot fetish specializing porn stars took up the look? But really, despite the inequity between nail types, I think it’s probably for the best that the pointy toenail style doesn’t take off - all it would do is make walking very painful and line the pockets of fat-cat doctors who specialize in ingrown toenail removal.
In non-nail related news, I came back to my desk at lunch time today to find a colleague pawing through the papers and projects that I had scattered about. She was brazenly standing there reading my work, although she did have the decency to look slightly chagrined to have been caught in the act. I suspect it’s not the first time she’s done this - I’ve been baffled to discover other classes sometimes seem to have the assignments I make, even when I don’t share them around. This person is also a bit of bigmouth gossip and seeing her going through my stuff gave me an idea of how I could potentially raise my work cred without actually going to the trouble of doing any extra work or, worse still, putting in effort. And it just involves post-it notes! The next time I leave a copy of an assignment on my desk I’m going to write a really positive comment on a post-it note and stick it on the piece of work. Something along the lines of “Jenni, this is truly brilliant work. Love it!” or “This worksheet offers a really insightful interpretation of the text. I’m impressed with the level of creativity and Einstein-like intelligence evident here!” and maybe do a kind of illegible signature underneath. Her gossipy nature would then COMPELL her to spread it around that my work is kicking arse and taking names! (Note: Obviously I’m not going to do this - I love flying under the work radar too much. Still, the thought gave me literally seconds of quiet amusement.)