Crack: Princess!Arthur and maid!Merlin

May 13, 2009 15:44

First and foremost, I would like to say and emphasis that it is all lamardeuse's fault, who posted about how few manips of girl!Arthur vs girl!Merlin there are out there, and made me want to help change that. Second, unlike for my previous collage in which I turned Merlin into Holly Golightly, I am very, very sorry. Third, should Colin Morgan or Bradley James ever stumble upon this post, my sincere apologies. Really.

So as I said, all lamardeuse's fault: wanting to find inspiration for a future Photoshop session with girl!Arthur, I did a basic Google image search; keyword: "princess". Among the various pages of paintings of real-life princesses and Disney characters, I stumbled upon these sparkling atrocities craved by most little girls the world over, and experienced a massive brain freeze. (To my defense, it was quite late into the night already; the brain wasn't working at full capacity.) I cackled for at least five minutes in front of the laptop, just thinking about what I was about to do, BECAUSE ONCE THE IDEA WAS IN MY HEAD, I KNEW IT WAS NEVER GONNA GO AWAY AND THAT I WAS DOOMED TO DO IT. As soon as I regained use of my brain and basic motor functions, I opened Photoshop and proceeded to cry with barely suppressed manic laughter throughout the making of this, laughter interspersed with moments of pure mortification. Once done, I thought to myself: self, let's wait until tomorrow to post this little horror ... you don't want to do something you'll regret. It is tomorrow, and oddly enough, though I am still mortified and very, very sorry, I can't seem to regret it. Most bizarre.

ANYWAY. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. CRACK AHEAD. Also, I want to make very clear that this is NOT my official contribution to the girl!Arthur shrine.

And because I may as well go ALL THE WAY: ICONS!


saucery said it best when she wrote her microfic meme:

"Merlyn," hissed Artheia, "is there a hole in my corset?"

tv: merlin, merlin/arthur, lj: public, fan: art

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