Love.... Whata dumb question

May 22, 2006 16:07

I rather despise it when people ask me stupid things. It makes me angry.\

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

the simple fact of the matter is. she neither loves nor hates me. however she does feel that when i hold her she doesnt want the moment to end, as well as the fact that she said "I've been searching all my life to have that "perfect" relationship and I think i could have had it with him" about me. and with the stars. just to show that there is nothing on this earth, or anywhere in the cosmos that

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

would stop me from helping her, or trying to hold her for 1 more second

Hawteh-- says:

you need to stop

Hawteh-- says:



SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

i define love as not being able to go an hour without thinking of someone. every day wishing that you could take their pain away. wishing that you could be with them every second of your life because without them you have no reason to be. all you know is holding them is what feels right, and being without them is the worst feeling in the world

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

that is what love is to me.

Hawteh-- says:

that's obsession.

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

what do you define love as?

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

wait. better yet. have you ever felt love.

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

real love.

Hawteh-- says:


SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

not a crush, or infactuation. but love.

Hawteh-- says:


SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

ok. then define your version of love for me. i bet it will be different. because no one has the same feeling for love.

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

oh wait. i forgot something about my definition.

SdOG-£-I-T-C-}{OdS - I wait every day to hear those words. I wait for the time when peace will come. I want something that isnt. says:

it is also sharing the good and bad in stride and knowing that the person you love will help you through it.

Hawteh-- says:

Love is the knowledge that you may or may not be able to be with them. it is a gain of respect for their feelings and their ideas. When you love someone you do not push them to love back, you want them too, but it is through love that you gain the understanding of their choices. And if you love someone, no matter what they think of you, you will be there for them.

He's rather making me want to eat his face with a spatula whacker. :D GODDAMNITS!!!!! THE FONT IS ALL SCREWY!!! Neh well... oohhh lookit me.

Neeeehhh.... now i'm writing in pink. Anzzz hooowww does this make you feel? Btw, Hawteh is my cousins accunt thing on msn... I was being bad and intervening again. You guys know I love to do that. :D

Mmm poo ninny.

Mum will be home soon with aunty Gwen. :D


aaahhhh yeah... and


But as for the first billion lines with that dude...
It hurts when people say you dont know what love is.

And how do you define love, my dear sir?
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