FA:United - Less than 60 days away! Aug 1st-3rd 2008, NJ

Jun 04, 2008 18:15

FA:United! 40 days left to Pre-Register!
57 days left until the convention!

FA: United
Aug 1-3, 2008
Marriott Newark Airport Hotel
Furry Convention in Newark, NJ

In the June News Letter
2007 Ursa Major Awards Winners: Blotch and Fluke
We Need you!.. No.. We really need you!! - Come Volunteer!
Calling all Furry Thespians!
Rock Band Tourney - With Prizes
Rapid T Rabbit Celebrates 25 Years at FAU!
Hall of Memories - A blast from the past! 2007!


As listed on Sci-Fi Awards Watch, The Ursa Major Awards were presented at Morphicon 2008. More formally known as the Annual Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Award, the Ursa Major Award is presented annually for excellence in the furry arts.

FA United wishes to extend HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to this year's Ursa Major Awards winners! Fluke is the name of the day, as an author and front cover illustrator of Heat #4, which made "Best Anthropomorphic Magazine." Fluke is going to be one of this year's guest of honor this year, and boy are we honored to have him!

We are just as pleased to see the convention's previous guest of honor Blotch win "Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration" for her breathtaking art on the cover painting of FAUnited's very own 2007 con book. Congrats to you both!



FAU is in search for furs to help join the team and contribute what they can to make this convention kick more ass than ever. If you have ever had even the slightest glimmer of a thought about helping out...DO IT! We will love you forever in so many ways. You won't regret it!

Right now we're looking for:

* Panelists
* Fursuit track panelists (performance, construction, etc)
* Volunteers


We're also on the lookout for donations for our charity raffle. All of the money raised by the raffle will be going to this year's charity, the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NJSPCA). If you have any old junk laying around that you think might be another fur's treasure, bring it along to the convention! You can drop it off at Registration when you sign in! OH GOD THANK YOU. *kisses your feet*


If, after all of that, you STILL want to help us out...you're a very strange, awesome individual indeed.

But really, stop by at registration or find Wag! at the con and say these magic words:

"I want to volunteer!"

You see, as a regular Convention Attendee the incentives for being at the convention include TONS of entertainment, art, rock and fun. But when you speak those four magic words you will be whimsically transformed from Convention Attendee to BACKSTAGE PASS VOLUNTEER (insert trumpet fanfare here). You get all of the above AND a free t-shirt, AND our undying gratitude, AND a chance for free registration to FAU in 2009.

If you put in enough hours, you will also get to take home ABRAHAM LINCOLN HIMSELF. (Subject to availability)

Interested? Email us and we'll give you all the details!


FA United is looking for furries of all sorts who are interested in being
involved in the Variety Show!

We're looking for cast and crew members alike: From suiters who just want to show up in a skit, to directors, choreographers and writers full of ideas, and any combination thereof. With your help, this will be an unforgettable experience that will make your show like no other.

No experience necessary! Send an email at your leisure to skits@faunited.org .


Are you a gamer? You might be interested to know that our Rock Band tourney will knock your socks off. Whether you have a band or just want to show up and join the games, be sure to sign up for the competition or you might miss out on some REALLY crazy-go-nuts prizes (TBA). Just, you know, so you're aware.


Join Rapid for "Rapid T. Rabbit and Friend's" 25th Anniversary!
Rapid T. Rabbit and Friends is a children's puppet show that is daily show broadcast on television in New York City since 1983! Join them on August 1st, Friday night, as they celebrate 25years of children's entertainment!


Keep in tune, join FA: United's mailing list today! Visit our forums to keep in touch with Staff and other members of the community! All on our website, http://www.faunited.org
We also have FA Profile: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/faunited
A Live Journal Community: http://community.livejournal.com/faunited
A MySpace page: http://groups.myspace.com/faunitedfurrycon
And a YouTube Profile: http://www.youtube.com/faunited


FA:United - Fursuit Musical Chairs (The amazing climax!)

x-posted! :)

furcon, united, furs, faunited, furries, new jersey, fur affinity, furry, furry convention

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