Hello Again

Jul 19, 2008 15:31

Aww, "Hello Again" is a fantastic Neil Diamond song. Gotta love those piano ballads! OK now I have to find it and listen to it.

So yea, I'm back... at least for today. We never know what tomorrow may bring. Well, a rude awakening via the alarm clock is pretty much always a sure bet. Actually, not tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sunday, people.

I came across an entry which I had completed back in November after relocating but never posted online. It was never really finished, but it got to be too long as it was. Anyway, it wraps up the trip home and is sure to bring closure to all, so I figured I'll just fool everyone by backdating it. Now if I could only explain the large gap between December and July... err, typhoid fever?

It's amazing to me that I've been home exactly nine months now. My new position here in the States is OK, but seems to be void of substance. I just find it silly that I have to ask my boss several times a week if there is anything for me to do. What's worse is being given "busy work" for when he takes an afternoon off. What is this - 5th grade? Ultimately I'm lacking responsibilities and instead receive minor tasks as if I'm some kind of intern. Additionally, I still haven't bonded too well with the new coworkers. Of course, it didn't help when the only conversation topics they chose to discuss with me for the first 5 months centered on their misguided perceptions that I neither talk nor eat. It doesn't take long for those "jokes" to get old. So I pretty much do my own thing and leave it at that.

In keeping with the prevailing ongoing tradition, this past winter was less tolerable (or more intolerable) than the last and this is yet another factor leading me to believe some big changes are in store for 2009. Some initial plans have been drawn up, so we'll see what I can come up with. As always, stay tuned, keep a camera handy, and vote Democrat.

To sum up the year and bring everyone to the here and now:
January: Too much work - late nights and weekends. And brrrr.
February: Still brrrr.
March: My parents and two brothers visited for Easter weekend. I even tackled a big Easter dinner. That's a first! And we drove over and saw the Home Alone house (pic follows)

April: Is it warmer yet?
May: Fun Vegas getaway with Dean, Nick & Chris. And Cher! Highlight of the year so far.

June: My birthday - great night out. Chicago Pride. Friends visiting on weekends.

July: Fireworks on the 4th at Navy Pier. George Michael's farewell tour.

After more friends visiting in July, I was definitely ready for a break. And just when I was given one, I got sick. Fun. I'm nearing the tail end of that, thankfully. I've got a couple more weeks free and then my parents are in town again.

I plan to pop in here more regularly now. I mean, someone needs to report on all the little oddball moments of everyday life in the Chicago burbs. It may as well be me!
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