Hey mother fuckers, here's the deal....
I have two or three classes that I do NOTHING in. SOmetimes I do homework, sometimes I fill the time with personal, spiritual journeys to find myself, and sometimes I make fun of John Galt. Sometimes I look at myspace stuff and sometimes- rarely, I look at livejournal. Yesterday myspace was blocked by my school and today I am bored, sitting in a class with a computer in front of me. I have no phantasmal dreams I care to ponder, John isn't in school today, and myspace is blocked.
Life update : Great, heck wonderful.
Fucking Althea THROUGH Vinnie gets out next week. thats about the
only thing bringing me down because I have 2 FUCKING months left... FUCK
Tech update : I got a sick watch
Nana update: Has not fallen in a month or two
I love Sundays. Sundays are always filled with people who mean a lot to me.
I had to work on a sunday two weeks ago and it was great, sundays are always dope.
::::This Sunday::;:
Woke up& gave mom her mother's day presents."''>
Went to Amy's and watched the stupidest fucking movie
Prof@cee3Ee- it was so bad I don't care AT ALL that I spelt it so wrong as a matter of fact... (I just went back and made the spelling even WORSE [should say "Prophecy"])
Sad departure and went to grab my girl Kaite: went and bought shirts and cookies that made me sick from wal*mart. Bought Nana flowers and went to Nate's house. Bid HIS mother a happy mothers day and then went to Nor's. dropped KaitEEEEEy off and THEN....
Nuff' said, guest list was spectacular and party idea inspired by Matt Jones. Max and Chris tried to get Prom dates and so did "Andrew" and then My little brother Called Kait Wood(s)[?]- hahaha and the governor of california showed up and JONES PUNCHED TOM IN THE BALLS AND THEN TOM PUNCHED JONES IN THE BALLS AND THEN JONES PUNCHED DAN IN THE BALLS... dan awaits revenge.
Allow me to be a 14 yr old girl for a moment: SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE!
+ YES!
Last summer was "in" and this summer is going to be even more "in" its going to be sick
+ I have a monster line up PLUS I get to start hanging out with all my friends that i barely see during the school year from Rylan to James Haugh- JAMES HAUGH: I HAVN"T TALKED TO YOU IN OVER THREE MONTHS! Everyone is going to Mother fucking rip this shit up... "This" being summer.
also my nana said this the other day....
nana: you think it's groovy?
she was not kidding
I love nana