Jul 22, 2008 09:45
some favorite memories in my short tango life so far, and these are sarah-specific:
#250A: running around Helios, looking for you and then seeing you crouched down by the doorsill and then seeing your eyes and face light up as you saw me realize how dumb/surprised I must have looked, and having your expression of pure joy imprinted in my brain forever.
#GH*na25: Austin Teacher Exchange: Dancing a tanda with you and finally turning off my brain and really connecting on the dance floor for the first time at a foreign milonga (which was truly a test for me). The only thing I remember from that tanda, well two things --1: walking in a circle around each other because I never tried that before and it worked (which is amazing considering I was dancing in a strange place with strangers around me)! and 2: the very last step of the tanda was a check step that I didn't think about but just did, and feeling you also check step and being right there with me opened up a different world of awareness: I can still remember exactly where in the room we were and what was around us, though I don't remember the song. But still, for someone who forgets things easily, it's amazing what a little check step can do!!!! That feeling of connection has only grown since then, and instead of just a connected check step at the end of a song, that connection usually begins and ends my dances now.
#1s: and since we're on Austin: the last time we were in Austin
we had this amazing tanda, and more so the first song of the tanda was really one of the most memorable ones because our spell was a bit broken when Indre bumped her butt with us during the second song. Anyway, you cabaceoed me, and to be honest, I was kind of hesitant because it was one of those moments where I didn't want to be close to you lest I get too invested, but I just decided to surrender to having the hots for you, and that first dance was AMAZING--sensuous, connected, movement without any reservation, grounded, enveloping: complete and total in and of itself, a simple and honest conversation, no one around us for miles. I can still remember that feeling and how it continues in my dancing with other people (though to a lesser degree), and actually now that I think about what dancing with you looks like, I usually see us dancing in the middle of a lush desert that stretches to the horizons around us. And especially in the last couple weeks, as closely knit as our bodies are in the embrace, when we begin moving, I feel this great big space we all of a sudden enter together.
I just want to say that while my brain sees everything as relative, and is never quite sure of itself, of myself, of you, of us, my body is the most truthful thing I have, and it absolutely misses you