Doctor Who--spoilers for Series 3 finale

Oct 06, 2007 23:45

**If its not one of yours, this will probably bore you. I've been loving the new episodes. I don't think I really appreciated Chris Eccleston until he did series 1. David Tennant has been a total delight, "rude and not ginger" aside...he just makes me smile. I haven't loved the Doctor this much since Tom Baker regenerated.

The only other fandom that I have with this sort of longevity is Star Trek, and I have to tell you that one of things that makes me love Trek so much is the way they pay attention to the fans.

When DS9 went back to revisit the Tribbles, it was a much fun as it was the first time when I was 12. However, when someone asked Worf what had happened to the Klingons instead of ignoring the vast differences in classic Trek Klingons and later versions--I chortled.

However, when Enterprise returned to the topic and actually answered the question and closed the loop, it made me feel valued as a fan. It was plot line that really played to long term fans and it was nice move from a fandom that in many ways was winding down.

Last night we got a nod from a fandom that has come back strong after a long hibernation and a few false starts. The Head of Bo---an odd recurring character, with a very mysterious past got a back story that had me whooping out loud. I love this show so much.

It's only the prospect of seeing David T. do Hamlet that consoles me over the long wait for Series 4...

I'll do a separate "what I'm watching" post.
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