I posted this link in my last entry but it so troubles me I'm gonna post something special about it...
The United States of today does things we used to think only dictators and communists did, and it dissapoints me to no end. Read the contents of that story, read every horrible mind numbing, stomach churning detail, to see what we have become. To see the harsh reality that is now American life.
I wish I could be blind to the world like most Americans and think that Dancing With The Stars not only qualified as a entertainment (it doesn't) but also as news. Or that Britney Spears not wearing panties needed the same in depth coverage as the war in Iraq.
What we as Americans have allowed to happen to the world, our country and its peoples and most of all its most hallowed documents is simply revolting and blaming Bush for it is a cop out. No I put the blame squarely on you, on myself, and on every other living person in this country. We have mucked this thing up possibly beyond repair may our children forgive us.