this dog wont hunt....sorry for the length but i had a bunch on my mind

Apr 08, 2003 01:36

Our informed citizenry
According to an LA Times poll:

Nearly eight in 10 Americans now accept the Bush administration's contention - disputed by some experts - that Hussein has "close ties" to Al Qaeda (even 70% of Democrats agree). And 60% of Americans say they believe Hussein bears at least some responsibility for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks - a charge even the administration hasn't levied against him.
(Update) The same poll also tells us:

Exactly half said the United States should take military action against Iran if it continues to move toward nuclear-weapon development; 36% disagreed.

Americans are divided almost in half when asked whether the United States should take military action against Syria, which Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld has accused of providing Iraq with military supplies. Syria has denied the accusation. But 42% said the United States should take action if Syria, in fact, provides aid to Iraq, while 46% said no.

Myths about the war on iraq

Here's my beef with that little poll......when it comes to iraw being part of alqaeda let me put it in backwoods talk "that dog wont hunt" its not possible to prove. even our own cia with a definite axe to grind seeing as we're at war can not prove it. let me put it bluntly, osama wants a muslim fundamentalist state, and sadam's iraq is a secular socialist regime cloked in the regalia of islam while not bein a muslim state. amd the fact that 70% of democrats believe bush on that, i gotta say what ive said for a while and what i read in stupid white by michael moore, the democrats should go move in with the republicans and give the keys to all the smaller parties that way other people besides the republicrats have a chance to win a national office.

Also on the second topic of military action against Iran if they go towards nuclear arms. If I'm not mistaken they are one of the signers of the nuclear non proliferation treaty, and if they did in fact sign the document and are pursuing the technology then they are breaking the law and things need to be done but military conflict? north korea has nukes and we wont go after them with even direct talks with the north koreans come on. and why we're on the subject of nuclear arms, the way i see it we need to get rid of all of them, ALL OF THEM, the USA, pakistan, russia, india, britain, israel, EVERYONE. For one it's a horrible weapon that kills the innocent when used, and it also a very costly program, we could feed the worlds hungry with the billions we spend on bombs if we just dismantled all nukes....also it would ease tensions around the world as the excuse for obtaining nukes that is "our self defense" would be gone as there would be nothing to defend yourself from, basically if no nuclear arms existed north korea wouldnt have a leg to stand on in front of the international community. Luckily though most people do not see nuclear weapons as a military weapon, they see them as a diplomatic weapon, a threat hanging over someones head to keep them in line, which in some ways does do a lot of good. Lastly nuclear technology just screws the environment, especially in the case of a nuclear disaster.....anyways enough rambling on that topic on to the next point

Onto the topic of Syria, first off people who can not find Syria on the map should not be telling people we should attack them. Most people can find Iran just because of the Iran hostage crisis or the Iran-Contra scandal [starring fox news very own Ollie North] or just because of Gulf War One. If you can not find Syria during Gulf War Two you need help as its on the screen a ton when they show a map of the place.....anyways on to the topic at hand, attacking Syria. If they were helping Iraq when we're at war with them, sure be mad at them, cry out for our government to take some form of action, but do not cry out for military conflict at the first sign of trouble. What has Bush done to this country that has made my fellow citizens so trigger happy and scared of others? I just do not get it, oh and also we like to say this war in Iraq is not one bent on gaining more land or starting an American Empire, attack Iran and Syria and see how long anyone keeps buying that.....

Oh and one more thing and then I will stop filling up your friends page......if i understand things properly we dropped a couple tons worth of bunker busting bombs into a neighborhood to get sadam and his 2 sons, whatever happened to minimizing civilian casualties!?! i mean killing 3 people at the risk of killing a few hundred, and sparking a backlash against our forces in the city, not to mention do Osama's recruiting for the next ten years, I just hope it worked out.....CNN, Fox News, MSNBC,seriously how sad can they all be? You need facts for a story! quit running stories you cant prove just to scoop your competitors, it lacks integrity and its just disturbing, and quit saying things like "an MSNBC exclusive in the middle of the news story its pety and just sad as hell.....I'll probably go on and on about it at a different time but seriously i knew our journalists were bad but geez, how much worse can it get? oh and one more thing about CNN, will someone tell Aaron Brown to do a couple things? Tell him to shut up and let others talk or just let the pictures tell the story, and tell him to stop treating the reporters as if they're the ones being the bravest out there, its the soldiers doing the work, the reporters are just providing us with some breathtaking footage, its a much easier job to shoot film than shoot people.......oh and all media should learn this, our print media knows this somewhat though.....IF YOURE FAIR AND BALANCED THAT MEANS YOU HAVE TO SHOW SOME BACKBONE AND ASK SOME TOUGH UNPOPULAR QUESTIONS AND ACTUALLY CHALLENGE THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE, NOT TREAT THEM WITH KID GLOVES!!, being fair and balanced does not mean televising rumsfeld's hour press conference and then showing cops arrest protestors for 5 minutes.....i still stand by my anti war stance if anyone is wondering, thank god for the most part things are going well though, id hate to see more kids coming home in closing i will say this.....Patriot Act 2, scaring you shitless some time in late 2003....

articles, rants, politics

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