May 20, 2004 21:35
vegas was.....
not as great as i had hoped. :o/
not saying i didn't have a good time....
i just wish i wasn't so tired the whole time and my legs weren't falling off.
i was drunk once..and it wasn't even worth it..just made me sad. stupid alcohol.
my body is still sore from all the walking.
the margaritas are amazing.
and..i don't know.
i am tired.
feeling lonely/unwanted has got to be one of the worst feelings ever.
i freaked out driving over the damn...i was almost in was horrible. i am such a wuss. :o/
going to the dr. tomorrow to get rid of my cancer.
and on saturday family is coming over for my birthday.
i have court on my birthday. :o/
and that will probably suck...they told to bring like exhibits and witnesses and shit..
i am not looking forward to this next week at all.
and i fucking hate how i get all emotional and sad/depressed like whenever i am on my period. i just feel like crying all the time for no reason. i hate it.
david and i rode on a was cool.
went to the star trek experience and to gameworks.
the gameworks sucked. i had a horrible time and no, it's not because i am a girl and don't like playing games...i enjoyed the games i played just's just..there aren't very many 3 player games. so i was just walking around by myself the whole time...and the one game i wanted to play took my money and didn't even let me play it. it sucked.
i really wish i could've seen the water show at the bellagio..oh well. i guess there's always next time..and i really wanted to see the sign. and get drunk and party with everyone...cept the first sip of the second margarita made me feel real nauseous...and well...the jack doesn't really count..cause dave and kris were the only ones there and david wasn't even drunk...and we were just kinda sitting there..
ate at the hard rock cafe...that was pretty cool. and i bought a's pretty cute.
i spent so much's depressing...$200ish for the room, like....$50 on gas....$160 on random rides, food, and's ridiculous...:o/
i have to start making car payments next month...maybe i can get some overtime in...and i'm really dreading going back to work and seeing how much work there is...i hope allie is doin alright having to do both jobs. i really hate being an adult and having bills and having to worrk 40 hour weeks. :o/ bleh..
i seriously need to see a therapist...or head is fucked up. :o/
oh yeah.....
i think i drove by there like 3 times...too bad he didn't fucking die. i don't care how horrible that sounds...he made my life a living hell for a long time..and i wish he would die. i am seriously very happy to hear about his misfortune. :) and NONE of the animals were hurt or was just his bedroom and his guitar was burned also. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. that's what that is. :D
i hope tomorrow and this weekend are good. <3