Otakon 2007

Jul 30, 2007 16:16

OK, so it probably would have made more sense to post the AnimeNEXT pics (which i still didnt finish) first, since it came chronologically before Otakon, but this entry is done, and plus the ANext one is so late already that it doesnt seem to matter. so enjoy!

Welcome to Baltimore!!!!!

here's the view from the 4th floor of the BCC:

FKDGJIRUNTIUIJMCKLFJDKLFJKLDSJFKLDJFLDSFJJDL DO YOU REALIZE HOW I DIED WHEN I SAW THESE GIRLS?!?! im not sure anyone understands what was going on in my stomach. FUCKING AWESOME KENSHIN COSTUMES. this was the first pic i took all weekend. what a great way to begin!

on Friday Gi (rpgi) wore her dominatrix Ayeka. she left her whip at my house (omg sorry! i didnt know it was in my room!) but she looks so cute posing with Ryo Ohki so it doesnt matter.

i wore prisoner Rukia again. man that thing is COMFY. thanks for taking this pic, Gi!

PJ Cloud! (shadow_sasuke) with AERIS and TIFA plushies omg. so cute!

our awesome friend Andrew introduced us to HIS awesome friend Monica, and here she is in her dominatrix costume. she told us 50 times what series it was from and now i forget. :( i did not take this pic, but I wanted to post it anyway because she looks SO HOT!

an awesome Fate/Stay Night group. the Rider is Gi's friend Lina (chibi_plum on lj) from myspace (who is now my friend too) :). she's SO SWEET.

how COOL are these wings omg?!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW LOUD I SQUEALED WHEN I SAW THIS ACROSS THE ROOM OMG. you see, there is a very big chance i am more in love with Deedlit than I am with Rukia, which is certainly saying something. This gorgeous girl's name is Carly, and i talked to her at AnimeNEXT about my Leaf ears, and she and I were talking and she wants to have a LODOSS WAR photoshoot in CENTRAL PARK. fdklgfklkfd. ♥

Barret from FFVII

then we sat down, b/c we are walking noobs and we were already tired.

to pass time i went to take a silly candid pic of Gi. but she saw, and posed with Ryo Ohki (which was probably funnier anyway).

haha so she took my camera and took one of me. this is my standard "oh snap" face that i make all the time.

This girl walked up to me and gave me this huge hug. then she gave Gi a hug. and then me again. SHE WAS SO CUTE, and her outfit was adorable. Gi and i wanted to adopt her.

then it was like 10 o'clock, so we had to get changed and head over to the Harry Potter midnight party at Barnes & Noble. Gi is not a HP book reader but she agreed to accompany me anyway, which is why i love her.

this is what i wore to the HP opening. i was just going to wear a Ravenclaw-esque outfit, but Gi told me I should leave my Rukia wig on. I'm glad I did....it incorporated the anime and the HP vibes of the weekend rather well. i regret not having more bronze on for the book Ravenclaw colors, but the gray/blue motif was easier to pull off b/c i had more stuff in those colors. this pic is mainly to showcase my awesome Ravenclaw BAG that Christina sent me from Japan. i <3 it.

this is me on my cell phone trying to direct my noobtastic brother to the BCC. we were halfway to Barnes & Noble when he called. he had a test that afternoon so he didnt get down to Baltimore til late Friday nite.

They had live owls at the book release! THEY WERE SO CUTE OMG.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah so tiny i love it!

I was #402 for the book release. this is because we got there mad late, plus i had to help my brother over the phone. but it's okay. it probably wouldnt have mattered anyway, b/c the lines were RETARDEDLY organized. in my Barnes & Noble they lined up by clumps of numbers, but here they did 1-100, and then started doing arbitrary shit. the people upstairs all had to funnel down, and like #389 possibly went way before #50. it was mayhem. Inner Harbor B&N, you FAIL.

so Gi and i took silly pics to pass time.


haha totally a book i need to read ASAP.

because Ayeka is a PRINCESS. get it?

HAHAHAHAHA they covered the Love & Sex section with a tarp so little kids didnt see anything. my favorite part is how this section was right in the middle of the store, right next to the stairs where you practically have to look at it, but they are all worried about it now. also how the tarp did not extend to the bottom shelves, which is eye-level for kids anyway, and which contained TWO books with the word "bitches" in huge letters. good job guys.

maybe around 12:45 i got my book!!!!!!!! yay!!! i didn't start it til TUESDAY b/c of the con and stats. there were people sitting outside B&N at 1 am reading already.

driving home on Friday night.

we got to the BCC to meet up with pixiekitty015 so she and Gi could have a double-Edea photoshoot.

pixiekitty015 and her husband.

AAAAH AWESOME FRAN! this girl was so pretty and her armor was amazing.

ff7sam and her husband! they are just as cute in person. she is such a gorgeous Aeris.

Twilight Princess!

Lina (chibi_plum) again and her friends.

Gi found a Seifer! yay!


Edea with her mask

Wii! how adorable!

my brother brought Snorlax with him again and wore it on Saturday. this picture is not mine, i got it from a gallery online when i was seraching for pics and i forget which one. Eric said people kept taking running leaps and diving purposely into him, body-slamming him, etc the entire day. he only had limited vision out the front of the head, and once they figured this out they'd come running at him from the side or the back to try to knock him over. seriously, what the FUCK? i was not with him, but if i was i SERIOUSLY would have gotten into a fist fight b/c i helped make the costume, and I was not about to stand for people destroying it. we did not have this problem at AnimeNEXT, except at the rave where these boys who were far too old to be that stupid were trying to knock him over. the AnimeNEXT attendees were just much nicer to Snorlax than the crowd that attends Otakon, and frankly it makes me sick that you can't have fun cosplaying without fearing for your safety. Snorlax is 100% ruined because of Otakon's assholes and would probably have to be almost completely remade (at least the inner support part) if he ever wanted to wear it again. so if you happen to read this and you're someone who body-slammed Snorlax, I feel very sorry for your mother, because she raised such a piece of shit child.


i'm posting this pic mainly to APOLOGIZE for taking it blurry. it's such a cool pose. sorry you guys!

"AWESOME CLOUD!" he was at AnimeNEXT as Cloud and he came to Otakon as Kenpachi!!!!! We were so excited. he's so nice and so talented!

even Kenpachi can't hurt Edea. she barely feels it.

ADRIENNE! (legnasolbaid) we <3 Adrienne.


i cannot express in words how cute this kid was. so i made a video:

i promise he starts being cute after a little bit. he doesnt stand there the entire time. it's only like 45 seconds long. also it's funny because randomly througohout the video ppl keep yelling "SNORLAX!" hahaha b/c Eric was standing with us.

right around this time Gi started feeling REALLY sick. we think she got food poisoning from Blimpie's, and i feel awful because i suggested we eat there. she swore she was going to throw up so we ran to the bathroom. right before we got there we ran into cyesangelbaby!!!! SO COOL. i finally got to meet her and her Yachiru was WAY TOO ADORABLE. i didnt get a pic since i was worried about Gi, so i stole one of hers from her lj:

then i ran into the bathroom to see if Gi was okay. she never did throw up, but we spent lots of time hanging out in bathrooms that afternoon just in case.

she took this pic with my armor and spear in one bathroom lol

then i saved all the girls in the BCC from this giant cockroach. we were in a bathroom on the fourth floor. Gi is TERRIFIED of bugs, but esp cockroaches. she was nauseous already, and out of the corner of my eye i saw this monster walking across the floor. so i told her not to look, but naturally, she did haha. so since I've never been afraid of bugs for some reason (Tom calls me the Bug Lady, isn't that NICE? lol), i went to get rid of it so it wouldnt bother her. the problem is, i'm not AFRAID, but i hate killing anything. so i had to capture it. while i was trying to catch it to bring it outside, two or three girls started coming into the bathroom, and upon the sight of the cockroach they would shriek and run out. i finally caught it and put it in a nearby garbage can. i then went to get a drink and i accidentally walked into a picture and said i was sorry, and this girl who had been one of the ones to shriek and run out of the bathroom was standing there, and she said, "you just picked up a cockroach, you can walk wherever you want!" lol

we left to go to the photo suite, and somehow got cornered by Otakon staff FROM the photo suite on our way for pics. how convenient that they came to us. they made us go outside for better lighting, though, and i felt so bad for Gi. it was still like 80 degrees and the sun was hot. we did get some neat pics though.

Madi (hatefulsarang) and Gi

i love this shot.

HOLY SHIT. this was a few blocks from our hotel. when i was little and lived in Tennessee, i fucking LOVED this place. i still have these cool Chipmunks glasses from a promotional thing they had and some toys from their kids' meals. I srsly have not seen a Hardee's since I was about 5 years old. I wanted to eat here really bad, but we never had time to GO there except at night, and unfortunately they weren't open til 1 am like McDonald's haha.

Gi's myspace friend Soni (who is now my myspace friend too)

Soni's friend, in the coolest pic ever

aaaah these two were so cute! i love when ppl cosplay them together. and this girl makes such a perfect Matsumoto.

Rozen Maiden, yes? What a gorgeous dress, i love the color!


dude this night elf srsly looks EXACTLY like she walked out of the game. it's amazing.

we ran into Awesome Cloud-pachi again and he found a Yachiru to take a pic with!

little Mega Man!

haha i took this pic for Gi since she hates Inuyasha too

Kuukaku Shiba yay!

Andrew and a pal in their Speed Racer costumes!

i have no idea what this is from but it CREEPED ME OUT in this awesome way.

Chrono Trigger! i saw them across the room and ran to take this pic for Gi, hoping she'd let me in her pants later.

on the way to our car we passed this little area and heard a noise. it was a giant fucking RAT holy crap. i LOVE RATS and i thought he was cute, but there is still something gross about seeing one walk around outside on the street. like i assume subconsciously that they all carry the black plague, lol, but deep down i know most rats are cleaner than i am. he was so cute and i wanted to squeeze him.

raver Gi

raver Laurie. i didnt have time to make up a rave outfit so i wore my punk Rukia outfit instead since all the pieces were already in a bag lol laaaazzzyyyy

Gi did my makeup and drew this adorable butterfly on my face for me!

halfway to the BCC from the car my FUCKING SHOE BROKE. the sole came right off. now, the shoes cost a whopping ONE DOLLAR, so im not complaining, but it was still annoying b/c i had to walk around like that haha.

Andrew after the rave lol

Sunday I wore Orihime and Gi wore Killua.

stolen again from Amanda's gallery XD

Hisoka (Andrew) and Killua (Gi) from HunterxHunter

aaah, a nice ripe fruit.

they found a Kurapika too!

LOL. taken in the dealer's room at the Borders booth. it makes me sad that a place that SELLS BOOKS (which you have to know how to read in order to enjoy) would not notice the horrific problem on their signs. all the signs said the same thing. but Kenshin looks cool, right?

they had a huge Hellsing-themed display at the Geneon booth. it looks like Killua is in HELL.

me, Andrew, and Gi making stupid "oh" faces

Near from Death Note. to quote Andrew, re: the end of Death Note, "FUCKING NEAR." lmao

Yumi from Kenshin! i love when people cosplay as her.

Orihime and Rukia

oh snap.

after raiding the dealer's room, in which i bought NOTHING for myself (im still in shock), we went to the mall food court for lunch with Andrew and Monica. there Gi and i sat for two hours talking about random things and answering people's questions about why we looked like circus freaks lol.

because she was BORN to work there. lol
man, i was so glad i had this costume on when i saw this restaurant. i should order a Hooters uniform and cosplay as Hooters Girl!Orihime, Y/N???

DUUUDE there was this old guy in the mall wearing this shirt. how gross is that??

after the mall we walked back to our now-traditional Otakon picture spot to take some pics together.

Fuck rules, who needs em?


i think this shot is so cute b/c Gi really looks like a little boy skateboarding.

i'm supposed to be sliding down the banister (i thought that was a very Orihime thing to do), but it looks like i'm kind of suspended in midair.

our necessary jumping pic! this was our first try! we have muchly improved from last year's botched attempts with the self-timer.

FUCK COSI, SRSLY. we walked there purposely on Saturday to eat and the fucking place is closed on Saturday AND Sunday. who closes on SATURDAY in the middle of a city? apparently, Cosi. jerks.

i was trying to get a reflection, but it came out looking like I'm cosplaying Orihime's ghost. if i'd had a spare chain lying around to attach to my chest, this picture would make perfect canon sense.

daydreaming about Ichigo, or food, or space creatures, or vacation, or something.

LOL GI WHERE IS YOUR HAND??? look at her face, you know she's doing something dirty. i don't remember being violated, but she must have just been fast about it.

HAHAHAHA BAWLS/BALLS. lol!!! OH MY GOD, I CAN'T LOOK AT THIS PIC AND NOT LAUGH. look at her FACE! haha even every time i go to edit this entry and i scroll past it i have to stop and laugh for five minutes.

the sunset in Baltimore Sunday night

Bye bye, Otakon!!! :(

we had to stop at a Target on the way home b/c Gi needed food, but it was Sunday and everything was already closed. so she got snacks and i got dramamine (i always feel like my stomach is a snowglobe on road trips), and then i took this picture outside in the parking lot. it's blurry but it's still pretty!

i'm sure by now most of Gi's lj friends have heard the saga of her shredded tire, but let me recount. so we're driving on 95 North, and all of a sudden Gi feels her car swerving and gets worried. you know the feeling your car gets when the tire is flat?? it was that. she drove a little more and then suddenly we heard the tire go with a loud noise and that unmistakeable grinding loud awful noise of a rotating rim against pavement started. unfortunately, we were in the leftmost lane and Gi didn't have control of the car well enough to get over. so we pulled to the left shoulder and called her insurance for roadside assistance. (thank GOD she had it, b/c i only have AAA and they wont come on 95). there was an exit RIGHT THERE too, grr, but we were just in the wrong place when the tire blew. oh well. so we went out to look at the damage and we see this:

so we decided to jack up the car in case the weight was damaging the rim, and a cop stopped and put a flare out for us, and i HOPE HOPE HOPE at least one person from Otakon drove by, b/c i still had my entire Orihime costume on, and I know I'd appreciate seeing Orihime jacking up a car. then the guy came to change the tire and LUCKILY the axle and the rim were not damaged. whew.

after our tire got fixed, there was a ton of traffic. so we crawled along thru Delaware until FINALLY we saw this sign. i wanted to kiss it.

pics, conventions, otakon

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