Sep 05, 2006 03:02
ATTENTION! although nobody cares, I'd like to announce that Tom's World of Warcraft character, the troll mage Castapalatia, hit Lvl 60 tonight.
grats, n00b! LOL
and so Tom's goal of leveling a character to 60 before school starts has been achieved, with hours to spare (he has a back-to-school meeting in the morning).
i have THE BIGGEST MOTHERFUCKING SPLITTING HEADACHE right now, and i have for the past SIX hours, and it is annoying the CRAP out of me. i get migraines all the time, and they suck, but omg, i am used to those at least. this is just torturous because Tylenol/Advil/whatever is not working and when it comes to regular old tension headaches, I'm a huge n00b & i just cannot deal. rawr. i get like five tension headaches a YEAR, so it's fine, but DAMMIT at least a Zomig will kill most migraines. these tension guys are relentless.
it's totally because i have my monthly "friend" (some friend) and I'm crampy and EXHAUSTED and achy and I want to rip out my own uterus. I took Midol before, which helped some, but at the same time made me have HOT FLASHES like an old lady. it wasnt the kind with the caffeine in it, either, b/c if i take the whole dose of that i get PARANOID as all hell. but I was srsly DRIPPING sweat and feeling like i was going to DIE of heat exhaustion while laying on the bed TWO FEET from the air conditioner. i changed my clothes a million times because they were all sweaty and gross. *pants, sweats, dies*
im supposed to be sleeping, but instead i'm making graphics and colorbars and CRAP I DONT NEED TO MAKE because I opened Photoshop like a moron and started doing stuff. that is never a good idea.
also, i'm sorry I havent been commenting as much as I could be. today i was busy being cranky and menopausal. tomorrow has got to be better, right?