woo doggy

May 30, 2006 21:17

Since school has gotten out, I have an distorted and inaccuracte (at best) view of time, distance, and direction. Could be the 4 or 5 (i cant remember) days of partying right when school got out, or the time spent in the sun hiking and taking pictures for work, or the medication for my shin. I would bet it is a combo of the three. No matter, its all lots of fun, and fits the theme of summer, so I can't/won't complain.
I wish I had pictures to show of the events thus far of summer but I dont. I am hoping Veesh has Joeys bday party because that was absolute insanity. There was not one even realitivly sober person there..hilarious. And I am hoping Tyler has pictures of his house, because costume parties are really funny.

with love,
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