(I don't like plugging up
marvel_mansion with bendy-time threads, so this is the first in a series of events that took place after Sal woke up, went to Sophie's funeral, and saw Magneto's broadcast. When these events have been covered, I will link this thread and others like it to a post in the community proper.)
The first thing Sal did after the broadcast was to hurriedly turn off her satellite reciever and then spend what little alone time she had thinking.
Sophie had had a point. All that had happened was her fault; she had taken on more responsibility than she'd really been prepared for -- as a consequence, people were dead or dying. Her method of dealing with all of this was to spend hours (sometimes days) hanging out with Eddie on what she'd begun to call 'Green Island'. It was a tiny island that was just big enough to not be called a sand-bar and to have some foliage upon it, and it was the tiny island where she'd smoked enough BC-grade weed to fry out the brains of lesser people several times over.
But the message on the T.V. was enough to shake her out of her THC-laden stupor and get her thinking about the changes that needed to be made.
And Xavier's School didn't seem to fit within this to-do list of changes anymore. But she owed it to several people to be honest about where she was going and what she was going to try to do.