So, apparently, I started a short story back in the Dark Ages (on Apr. 9th, 2004) with two thousand words in one day. It didn't get updated until July '04, then again in December '04. By then I had almost 5k words, but had written myself into a corner.
There was a lot of support for the story and hopes for continuation, but I really was stuck. About once a year I'd dust off the file and add a few lines, but the stopping point was so vivid in my mind that nothing could follow it.
But this year it all came together. Last weekend I went to a local write-in and added another thousand words in about an hour. Then Sunday I did yet another thousand at home. Now, I have a four "book" outline (more like a short story serial). The first installment is under 7500 words. Given that I've paid Amazon for *()&%#HFUI*#()^$%&, which is to say light reading of less than 2000 words for over $3 a d/l, I'm thinking it may be time to try getting published.
As I flip through previous postings of the story, I can see that I've forgotten to add a few of the suggestions. So, obviously, the story still needs editing... and I'm taking volunteers.
Notes for myself from previous comments:
- use skin tone and marks for evidence instead of smell. - DONE
Also, do I stop to edit, or start in on the next story while the muse is hanging around?