
Jul 29, 2007 17:50

Well it has been a while since I've even posted a little update. It's been raining for basically an entire summer. I haven't gotten to do as much yard work as I did last year and that's starting to irk me. But Friday I got the lawn weeded and managed to scream at B until he came to help mow.

No, I'm not proud. Mostly it was a misunderstanding. You know, 10 months of proclaiming that he needed to help me with the yard wasn't clear enough to let him know that it mattered to me. But we made it through that little hurdle. Oddly enough, I found out yesterday from my iPhone horoscope that it was the day for that little explosion. ;)

I'm reading the 7th Harry Potter book, and a Business 101 book (literally), and a soft core vampire book... I don't really know where all this energy is coming from. It could be the not playing WoW but once this week. Yeah that's probably it. God knows it's not suddenly having more free time.

Yeah, work has still been insane. I am starting to think that the neck pain I had on Thursday is actually repetitive stress disorder from turning to the right and up when people come to my desk with a question. I feel a lot like the genie from Aladdin "*poof* what do you need? *poof* what do you need?!"

On one of many bright sides, work tends to give us gift certificates to our clients as prizes for any number of competitions. This time I chose Bike Bandits instead of Petsmart, and my new motorcycle gloves are already here! No, I don't have a bike yet, but that's just a matter of time. If I can get enough gear together, the transition to bike will be all that much easier!

Let's see... my biggest concern today, besides getting another build out for work, is that I may have a popcorn kernel skin permanently lodged behind my last upper molar. It hurts when I brush and I can't get any relief from flossing. Yeah, life is so hard.

OH! I almost posted without referencing the subject. Sunshine. See it. It's tension, drama, not horror. They make a reasonable effort to put science into a sci-fi flick. Sure, it's been called the next 2001, but except for slow pacing and one or two blatant nods to the classics, don't let that discourage you. See it soon; having had almost no marketing, this movie is sure to be out of theaters in two weeks.

I came away really wondering about the Bene Gesserit's Gom Jabbar. Honestly, not that big of a leap. Are we, as humans, above our natural instincts? Are we more than the sum of our evolutionary parts? Given the extinction of the human race, could we act against immediate self preservation? Could I? Would you?

On a side note, and maybe it's the porn talking, but Cillian and Chris were looking fine in this movie... Kyle, not so much. (No he wasn't in this movie.)

partner, random, work, books

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