do all of you have an mfa in photography or something?

Aug 12, 2008 14:03

You guys should give yourselves a round of applause, because seriously? HOW DO YOU TAKE SUCH GOOD PICTURES OF YOURSELF.

So, I'm sort of shaped like a certain egg that all the king's horses and all the king's men could not actually put back together again, and this sort of ends up making pants a total impossibility (a few of us here have commiserated over this misfortune in the past). Lately, however, I've discovered that if you put the word "hot" in front of your pants, you can get away with some next level shit.

The 2nd pic is to give you some vague idea of the boots. I know, it totally looks like I'm not wearing any pants AT ALL, but the shirt isn't quite that long, it's more the angle of the camera. The shorts, however, teeter more on the side of underpants than pants, but I'm not really one for things like "fashion rules" or "decency". Nobody tells ME what to do!!

Top and "denim-look" shorts are UO, backseam tights are AA, and fringe moc boots are JC (Jeffrey Campbell, yuk yuk). Geez, I fit right in here, eh?

My roommate and I tried to take actually nice pictures of my outfits, but like, it was really hard? Instead, we came up with this artsy photo of me shaking my butt at you.

In a last ditch effort, we tried the prior setting, and got this--

Vintage brown acetate slip and sheer poly print dress, and Jeffery Campbell platforms. I usually wear it with my gold name necklace to be really "of the era." This is the dress I was wearing when John Waters told my friend that I was Tracy Turnblad (ps best moment of life).

Here are the two pairs of shoes I am saving up for, because they're perfect:

One is from Oak, and one is (surprise!) JC.

And here is my question...

Do any of you know where I can find a pair of men's high waisted denim bellbottoms? My buddy and pal feels like being ridiculously obscene and walking around with a moose knuckle like a sailor all the live-long day. Don't say "a thrift store" cuz I'll give you a tittie twister. I need specific resources. New or vintage, doesn't matter.

Lastly, I really want to get these Cazals off my hands--I have a sales post with a few items left right here. Sorry to be a jerk and point you in that direction, but I figure somebody around here TOTALLY wants to morph themselves into a b-girl, and it can only be a mutually beneficial transaction. Straight sized stuff here (+ glasses and shoes), plus sized stuff here, if yr interested.

Thanks, chickens!!
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