An injustice in America!

Jan 30, 2005 19:24

Today has been a day full of homework and relaxation. Its nice to just have to do homework and not worry about other things. In my last entry I was talking about not being able to fit into college life, but I guess I do have a fair number of friends who are not completely into doing drugs and getting drunk. There is far beter things that a person can do with that time. I was reading my EDU 200 book and it was talking about how suburbia has the best schools and that the inner-city schools and rural schools were going to the dump. I do not understand how this can happen. Education is the cornerstone of how the United States functions and participate with other countries. Education is the most important area of our lives, because without it there would be no literacy, or knowledge of the past. In Los Angeles there was a school who only had 210 English books for its 1200 tenth graders. That would mean that about 6 people would have to share one textbook. It is unfair to the students of such high schools to not have the materials they need to learn. I want to change the world. That is my feeling. I can not fathom teaching 10 graders english if they dont have textbooks. Another school did not allow the teachers to make photocopies, have projectors etc. because it was too costly for the district. HOW FRIGGIN REDICULOUS! I can not understand how this is possible. We hace legislation to prevent this, but Bush is spending all our money on Iraq. The United States needs to understand that if there are schools in poorier communities there is a lower tax base, making the budget way smaller and therefore education is not equal because those poorier schools dont have enough money to survive and most likely have horrible test scores and will shut down. however on the other hand schools with a larger tax base in suburbia have higher testing scores, better classes and teachers. How is that fair? This makes me want to be a lobbyist in Washington D.C. sometimes!
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