Last Night, Tonight, Thursday

Apr 19, 2011 13:24

Last night Shannon and I went to see Hanna. Very good movie! A good amount of action coupled with really good performances by Saoirse Ronan and Cate Blanchett. Eric Bana was good as her father, but we both agree that he's not all that interesting as an actor.

Previous to the movie we spent some time in the lobby enjoying the cardboard cutout for some movie about a prom. We tend to have a bit, ok a lot, of the silly from time to time...

Tonight we're taking Mochi to see the Easter Bunny. Photos will be taken and OOOOSSSS and AAAHHHHHSSS will be hear from all the onlookers wonder how they can get such an awesome kitty. Prepare yourself now for the overwhelming cute that will be our first Easter family photo. :)

Thursday Vincent and I will be meeting for some Disc Golf some time around 1pm. If you see this before then and are interested in coming, please feel free to reply here or text me. I have enough discs for one other person if you don't have any discs of your own. We're by no means experts so don't be dismayed by the idea of being a beginner. We may end up going out for a drink after, depending on how long we stay out.
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