[ReBlog] The Thespians

Feb 16, 2012 23:42


Pausanias and Strabo say that Thespiae got their name from the river god Thespios. Other legends claim that the city was founded by Thespia, daughter of the river god Asopos, or a descendant of Erechtheus named Thespios. The city was center to the cult of Aphrodite and Heros who was worshiped in the form of an uncut stone. The goddess was worshiped in her lunar form as “Black Aphrodite”. The cult of Artemis as goddess of childbirth (Helitheya - Lochia) was also important. The city was ruled by seven magistrates (damouchoi) and elected two Beotarchs in the Beotian League.

Found this great article just browsing around on-line for Thespian info. Also came across a new (to me) epithet and artistic representation of Eros.

Mirrored from Of Thespiae.

thespiae, boiotia, thespiai, history, boeotia, boeotian religion, military history, theoi & daimones, eros, ancient military

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