Aug 10, 2005 20:08
Some time last week I found out that my aunt was in the hospital and she propably wasnt goign to live for much longer. She had cancer and all the years of drugs and god knows what else had finally caught up to her. See, she was one of those drugged out and messed up ladies. She had three kids who all ended up in foster homes and/or jail. But, Within this last year I was under the impression that she was actually starting to try and get herself cleaned up or at least she cut back some.
I was informed today that she died last night at 9 PM. It makes me feel sort of bad knowing that while I was out with my friends having a good time she was in the hospital dieing. But, I coulndt have possibly known it would of been last night.
I never really knew her exactly. She wasnt the closest Aunt to me. I feel bad for being confused about how I feel about her passing. I just feel sort of numb. I feel like I should feel something but I'm emotionless.