A week or two ago, I had in mind to write out a looong, semi-bitter rant on the state of fandom- Particularly gundam/mecha fandom, prompted by the closing of a popular gundam blog. When I say 'closing', I of course mean rage-quitting; it upset me because of how immature the owner's reasons seemed to be, even if he had a few valid points. I've since lost my fire to do so; having talked it out elsewhere with a few people. Which is a pity in a way, because I really do need to post on this a little more. The take home of my rant is simply that fandom needs to stop fighting among itself over every damn thing ever. Especially Gundam fandom, with as splintered as it is.
This is why we can't have nice things.
That said, I have to admit that while my love for gundam remains as strong as others, to paraphrase
stimulant , right now we're agreeing to see other people. Not that I'm upset about anything in the series itself; it's just a surprisingly dull time in the franchise at the moment for me. The 00 movie is exciting, but it's already out in theaters and the long wait for any version to wash on shores here has begun. Likewise, Unicorn is a great story and a beautiful OVA, but it's a multi-year wait for a story that I already know to be finished. I'm starting to see why Bandai never animates books- Once it's actually happening, it's less exciting than you'd think. Like Lord of the Rings; you already know how it plays out and will end, you're just waiting for the damn movies to actually get there.
So it goes.
In the meantime, I've hitched full throttle back onto the SRW fandom- Not that I ever left it (my precious), but hnnngh. The Inspector is SO GOOD so far! I can't even describe how excited I am to see Original Generation 2 animated, finally. Especially since it's 'filling the gap' as far as Anime goes between the first TV series and the OVA. Maybe I'll start updating this blog about each weeks episode? That might be a good use of my time/give me something to post about...
On that note, my thoughts on the first episodes under the cut. This will be spoiler heavy.
Episode One: Red Impact
The episode starts by recapping Axel's fight against Beowulf, before he crosses over to 'our side' of the dimentional divide. They do an excellent job of showing just how nasty the other side's Kyosuke really is, beggining with him coldly killing that universe's version of Ryusei... Ouch. Axel confronts Beowulf in his Soulgain, and the series seems to canonize that the "Nacht" of Endless Frontier is in fact based on the Alteisen used by that Kyosuke. The action sequences in this series are *fantastic*, as expected of Masami Obari. The series also treats us to concrete proof that that Kyosuke is in fact Einst infected, as the Nacht 'powers up' by turning into a colossal Einsteisen. Bad. Ass.
Then the intro- Maxon isn't a song I loved at first, but it's quickly grown on me through repeated viewings, and the animation itself is fantastic.
Then the episode proper is underway, although the previous sequence actually took up about a third of the episode's runtime. Brian Midcrid is detailing his Tokyo Manifest, an the animation cuts between his speech and our world's ATX team in action. Bullet seems to be using a modified Mass Produced Huckebein, rather than his Mk. II. A shame, but the anime seems helbent on avoiding overt references to the Huckebein series, so it's unsurprising.
Soon enough the Neo DC appears, and Archibald, Yuuki, and Ricarla are all introduced early, along with Woodan's Thrudgelmir, although Woodan himself isn't shown. Much of the dialogue here is from their in game introduction around stage 3/4 of the GBA game, but it makes sense to compress the series somewhat. The heroes are slowly overwhelmed by the surprise forces, when Angelg shows up from the sky, ending the episode.
The ending is... Boobs, swimsuits, Yeah. About all I can say.
My thoughts on the episode- It's an excellent start. The Action is excellent, and favorite characters are all back, doing what they do best. By and large the new character designs are excellent, and although I had some complaints about some of the refined mecha designs, in animation I really barely notice the difference; no problems. As I noted, a few events are out of order; In the game, It's Angelg that has to fight DC remnants before the ATX team arrives for backup. The series seems to have reversed that for dramatic effect. Even so, it really doesn't change much; So far it's completely recognizable as the same story.
Episode 2: Unknown Voice
After the intro, the series picks up on the last episode's cliffhanger, with Angelg arriving from the sky to provide backup to the ATX team. The DC Remants receive retreat orders from an 'unknown pilot', assumed to be Echidna, riding in an R-Eins; another early introduction. They activate the ASRS Electronic Communications Countermeasure system and boost-drive away.
Receiving the Angelg, the ATX team integrates it's pilot, Lamia Loveless, into their crew- Much of the dialogue here flows near exactly as it does in the stage-1 intermission; Lamia assumes a cover as a test pilot for Isurugi Industries, despite Kyosuke and Lee Linjun's slight suspicions. Excellen is really the stand-out through all of this. Under Masami's direction, she's as over the top (and adorable) as ever with her constant teasing of Bullet and attempts to rile up Kyosuke.
The action quickly switches over to an excavation site in China; Archibald intends to capture recently discovered ancient mobile weapons known as the Chokijin, and he begins to show his sadistic side, to the chagrin of Yuuki and Carla. The ATX team launches to intercept the DC and rescue the dig-site, and Bullet carelessly attempts to open direct communications with Yuuki. Excellen, Bullet, Carla, and Yuuki all feel a strange presence from the dig site, and soon a large number of 'unknown' units appear- The first arrival of the Einst.
'Reacting' to Bullet's impulsive heroism, the ancient Chokijin activate and make short work of the Einst forces, but the process seems to immobalize all of the Psychodrvers currently present. The episode ends as the Ko-Oh seems to acknowledge Bullet before disappearing into the sky.
My thoughts- It's again interesting how this series seems to be going 'out of order'. After the Stage-1 intermission sequences at the beginning of the episode, things fast-forward to start covering what is roughly stage 7 in the GBA game, with some dialogue and concepts taken from Yuuki and Carla's introductions in stage 4. A big deal was made among the fandom about the Chokijin's appearance, but I think it works here, actually. It's been a while since I played Alpha so my memory is fuzzy, but I seem to recall a similar set of events happening with the Chokijin's introduction there. If so, it wouldn't be the first time the anime mixed Alpha References into the OG-Verse; Cobray Gordon's presence in Divine Wars being the biggest example.
So far, I'm excited as hell about this series, and loving every minute of it. Tomorrow episode three should be out, which supposedly is going to cover the theft of the Wildfalcon; I really can't wait.