Aug 06, 2010 21:45
Questions from Zephyrofgod:
1) Of all the places you've been and stayed, which one was your favourite? Would you want to go back?
This is a tough one. North-eastern Japan was an amazing trip and had beautiful scenery and was an amazing trip. Rome has a huge amount of things to do and see, and I am really into the history and archaeology of the area. I would go back to either one.
2) What will you miss the most out of Calontir when you leave for Ansteorra?
The people.
3) What's your favourite eating utensil?
I do not have one. They all have their uses.
4) What about events? Tell me about your favourite event. Why -was- it your favourite?
Honestly, I don't know. They all blend together.
5) Least favourite thing about travelling? Why?
Plane flights and the exhaustion that comes from being on the road.