Cross posted from: Democrats suck.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m a bleeding heart liberal and die-hard Democrat. I’ve voted for a Republican once in my life and I regret that vote. I would sooner vote for a monkey than a Republican, but I have to admit that Democrats suck.
We suck because we spend far too much time focusing on the bad and the negative aspects of America. Instead of focusing on the great nation that was built during American Revolution, we focus on the how the slavery was allowed to continue and how our founding fathers were slave owners. Instead of discussing the greatness of our nation and our deeds during World War II, we talk about the Japanese internment. Instead of holding up capitalism, free enterprise, and the chance that every American has to be great, we obsess on the flaws of the system and tell people that the deck is stacked against them.
I know we do this because we want to improve our country. We want to look at what is broken so we fix it. We focus on the bad things in our history so we can learn from them and make sure we don’t allow them to happen again, but quite frankly, we come off sounding negative, anti-American, and generally whiney.
My fellow liberals, let us make a pledge to talk about the greatness of America more often. Let us hold up the great things we have done as a nation, the freedom that we have here that is unique in the world: the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom to succeed or fail in any endeavor we attempt. Let us celebrate the good we have done while also taking an honest look at the negatives of our nation. In doing this, we can inspire the citizens of our nation to greatness while we fix the problems we face.