May 31, 2010 22:51
My soul-mate came home from the training in Texas for the weekend.
Ended up going to Seattle to visit him and other friends on Saturday instead of finishing my papers like was originally planned. But it was so worth it.
By 4:00 Wednesday afternoon I will be done with 3 classes.
Then in 1 week i'll have my Spanish final.
Inbetween I will be going to PO for a few days for a wedding (though that's in Gig Harbor), then coming back for the exam, and then going home for another week. If anyone is bored during that time, text me or call me. I'd love to go get coffee or see a movie or something.
I'm pretty stoked for fall quarter.
On Mondays I'll have class from 6-9 PM & every other Tuesday I'll have class from 2-8 PM. Why, HELLO 5 DAY WEEKENDS. :D score. I'll still have my internship though and work but still. No classes. Couldn't be happier!