it feels good to be home. I missed my cat, my boyfriend, my bed, my home. At the same time it was exhillerating to be back in the city again. Jacksonville is so spread out. There is nothing even close to Cambridge here. It was so hard to do everything/see everyone I really wanted to while there, yet, I feel like I've been gone for a long time. It's pretty rare for me to feel like I didn't have enough time somewhere and at the same time feel like I've been gone a long time.
mmm, loved being back in the city
The wedding was great. The weather held up for it, it was great to see the whole gang, and DF appears to truly be incredibly happy. Got to get down to Provincetown after the wedding. It was Jim's first time. He was surprised at the high concentration of homosexuals there. I had told him it was a gay town and all...he'd just never been anywhere like it in his life. We both enjoyed the night walking on the beach, poking around stores, and getting dinner. I love P-town so it was fun to take him somewhere that I love and was something completely new to him.
The Gang
I hung a birdfeeder outside my back door about a week or so before I left for Boston. No birds came to it. When Jim got back last week he told me there were birds at it! =) Apparently there are a bunch of cardinals that come to it all the time. Silly just notified me that they are out there now... =) She just lays on the floor looking out there while meowing. A birdhouse and a birdbath also appeared in the back yard while I was gone. I'm guessing that was Sal who got 'em.
There were beautiful roses and a card on the table welcoming me home when I arrived. =) I've got a good guy. Unfortunately we only had about an hour together before he had to go pick up his grandparents for his Mom's birthday dinner. We made the most of it. It feels good to be back.
So Sweet
Lots of cute little notes from the catsitter on my reports when I got home. Seems Silly did fine without me here. =)
Happy to see her mommy, but that won't stop her from eating!
It was good to get to spend time with my family. I hadn't seen my brother since I left. We had a little Matt & Lisa's birhtday cake a couple of nights ago. It was pretty funny when my parents and my bro's gf were singing happy birthday and he was all pissed that i wasn't singing, which led to us arguing about who's birthday party it was while everyone else was singing. It was quick, as we were able to harmoniously blow out the candles with no argument. LOL! If we were still kids, I would sit there going, "Ready? 1, 2, 3...blow" as he blew them out before the song was even done. =)
mmmmm, m&m ice cream cake!
I saw RD's youngest kid for the first time since I moved. Kids grow VERY FAST in the first year! This has got to be in the top 10 cutest babies I've ever seen! We had some nice impromptu family portrait time, and of course, quality play time with his oldest.
Speaking of babies... I also went to my oldest friend's son's 1st birthday party on Saturday afternoon. Brenda and I used to be inseparable. We met and became friends in middle school. She's got 3 kids now, so we are certainly not as close as we used to be. We definitely took different paths in our lives. It was really good to see her. I had been really missing her over the past couple of months. I don't know exactly why, since we've been in distant enough contact that she didn't even know that I moved to FL until I called her while I was up there. But I was. So I called and went. Her son totally dug the gift I got for him. I didn't get to see her parents or siblings because they just never showed up. I know, to most people that would sound outrageous that they would miss the party...but actually, it's not all that surprising and not as big a deal as one would think. She has definitely gained a lot of weight over the years and 3 children. I was pretty surprised at how much. But she's still Brenda just the same. We were both very happy to see each other.
The Birthday Boy and The Beautiful Dog, Nikki
I also visited with the ex-husband for a few hours one night. He dyed his hair BLONDE! So strange to see. It doesn't look horrible, but it definitely looks strange to me. It's tough for me to visit with him. On the one hand, it's good. We talk/catch up on family, etc. It's like visiting my brother. On the other hand, it's tough for me to hear him talk about how he's struggling financially. I just remind myself that I'm done bailing him out. I might offer some ideas on how to improve things if he's asking me, but otherwise, it's not my issue to solve. He DOES have a giant pile of PS2 games from which I borrowed 3 that he doesn't play anymore. Overall, it's more good than bad to see him...that part is just a challenge for me. But I'm overcoming it.
I did go to dinner with Michelle one night. Then we just headed back to her new apartment so I could see it and we could spend time catching up.
me n michelle
I didn't get to see my old roommates. I didn't get to see
sol3 or
maeleoc cuz they both moved to SF. BUT,
maeleoc did call me just after I arrived in Jax! =)
I got my parents all set up with a
new printer. They are going to Hawaii on Saturday, so they will have lots of stuff they want to print when they get back. My parents are still mostly in the paper world. They are adopting technology slowly, but still find more comfort in having prints than electronic files that they can't hold in their hands (the back-up of the print in electronic format is like saving the negatives for them). They are also not interested in investing a lot of money in their electronics, etc. So, anyway, they are happy with it and it's pretty simple to operate, so I think they'll be fine with it once they start using it.
Oh yeah, and have you seen
THIS? I really don't know what to think of it. I can see the arguments on both sides. I think if he'd named the idea something a little more politically correct, he may have an easier time of getting his logical points across. With a name like Bumvertising™ the discussion inevitably hits a nerve that just adds noise to the discussion of the issues involved.
And, finally...
My fav pic of the gulls at Revere Beach
LOVE the Guy on the Left!