(no subject)

May 12, 2011 04:43


Doing a friends cut cause I've got way too many people on here that I never speak to and basically just don't know.
Since I have a tumblr now for fandom shit, I wanna keep my lj pretty personal so unless we're bros or smth, I'm probably gonna cut you.
It's nothing personal and I still love you etc but y'know.

If I've cut you and you really want to be re-added for whatever weirdo reason, pm me or comment on this post and I'll add you back cause I'm not a dick but seriously only do this if you actually intend to talk cause otherwise that defies the whole purpose of doing a friend's cut.

Also, if you don't really give a shit about my boring ass personal enteries but you still wanna talk about fandom, just follow my tumblr.

friends cut

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