Wake Up and Smell the Hormones

Jan 19, 2009 14:53

The line that really caught my eye in this article was that the abstinence only program has spent 1.5 billion dollars in the last decade. 1.5 billion! What a colossal waste of money. You know how many condoms that could've bought?

Teens are gonna fuck. That's all there is to it. Anyone that thinks otherwise is deluding themselves and contributing to the problem. High schools should have condom vending machines in the restrooms, in the nurses office and a giant fucking bowl of them on the way into any school social event. Abstinence education as a method of birth control is a waste of time and money. Even worse, some of the "textbooks" straight out lie about how STDs are spread and how a girl can get pregnant.

Let's face it, Obama has a lot on his plate. I mean, seriously. Expectations for the man's presidency are wildly out of proportion for what he can actually accomplish. Even so, I hope there is enough room on that plate for some real sex education, the kind that talks about prevention in realistic terms.

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