To save you time, Simon :)

Oct 03, 2002 12:39

bad things to such good, good people says:
katie. just thought i'd say hi and shit. can you remove me from your MSN
contacts thing, as i feel rather guilty taking people off who haven't taken
me off! *so to speak*
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
Well, if you want
bad things to such good, good people says:
easier all round :]
She wants to fade away says:
Oh okay then.
She wants to fade away says:
How are you?
bad things to such good, good people says:
i could lie and say "grrrreat" in a tony the tiger way, but it's all kinda
She wants to fade away says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
but how the fuck are you?!
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, Well, Nothing has changed in my little world.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. katieworld
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, indeed.
She wants to fade away says:
So are you at home again now?
bad things to such good, good people says:
aye. couldn't put up with "certain things" any longer.
bad things to such good, good people says:
fucking HUGE mistake, that was.
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
I can imagine.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehe. your whole friendship with someone is based on this one thing, and
then you realise it's actually not true. hmm.
She wants to fade away says:
What was it based on? Sorry if the answer is obvious there.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i was on about my friendship with vicky. she recently said that none of
what she told me had any basis in truth.
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
I guess if you wanted to see it in a positive could say it's better
than you know, and you tried. And things.
She wants to fade away says:
Suzie is still a whore.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. obviously!
She wants to fade away says:
Didn't say anything of interest did you?
bad things to such good, good people says:
katie. you're asking ME whether i had said anything of interest. shame on
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
You know what I meant.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehe. alas, no. i think it was merely the normal kinda shit, like how's
school and all that bollocks.
She wants to fade away says:
Ah, have you got a job yet?
bad things to such good, good people says:
not since i moved back down. looking, though.
She wants to fade away says:
ah good
She wants to fade away says:
that's something.
bad things to such good, good people says:
heh. it's better than sitting on my extremely pert arse all day
She wants to fade away says:
It must be. Although daytime Tv is kind of fun to watch.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i have the benefits of SKY. I AM LAZY BLOKE.
She wants to fade away says:
Sky! woo! you don't need a job then.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. i still need a job: ] one day, when i pull a girl *one day? sheesh*
i want to impress the wench
She wants to fade away says:
There must be other ways of impressing them?
bad things to such good, good people says:
knowing some cool websites?
She wants to fade away says:
Well...I'm not sure THAT would work.
bad things to such good, good people says:
or how to hack LJ and change colours?
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
That was a bit...hmm.
She wants to fade away says:
If I was one of those fiesty types I could come up with quite a nice retort :p
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. i know. i treated you rather bad and stuff; so it was/is fair play
She wants to fade away says:
Ah, we're both as bad as each other.
bad things to such good, good people says:
this isn't an attempt at a reconcilliation, btw! well, not really. it's
just that i, erm, miss having you around to talk to :|
She wants to fade away says:
Well, you don't have to delete me off your contacts list you know.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i know, but it just seems weird having you there.
She wants to fade away says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
because i cannot remember the last time we actually spoke to each other. i
think we were playing pool
She wants to fade away says:
Oh we spoke for quite a while then.
She wants to fade away says:
But we used to speak all the time if I remember correctly?
bad things to such good, good people says:
i know. if other stuff hadn't've happened since, i would say it was nice
bad things to such good, good people says:
aye kates. we used to. but things change :|
She wants to fade away says:
Yes I suppose.
She wants to fade away says:
Well Ju, it's upto you.
She wants to fade away says:
I like talking to you, but if you don't want to...fair play.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i'm wary, because of certain people and stuff, but yeah, i do miss talking
to you, and i don't care if you use that in some "newbighoax" ting
She wants to fade away says:
I wont.
She wants to fade away says:
I'm slightly wary of you too you know.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i'm not suprised! i fucked up big style.
She wants to fade away says:
It was quite a while ago though, and well...i'm okay with you now, and I'd
give you the benefit of the doubt.
bad things to such good, good people says:
to be frank, i hit her. i can't ever forgive myself that. i don't care
what anyone says about the issue, and i have no defence and all that. i
don't think i should be alive, to be honest. slapping girls is wrong, no
matter what they've done :|
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
I don't exactly love her, and I don't see why it matters what gender you are.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehe. i have tried to resolve myself to the theory that "she's bigger than
me anyway", but it doesn't work anyway, it turns out that the reasons i
liked her anyway were all lies. heh.
She wants to fade away says:
well then. She probably deserved it :) And yeah, she is bigger than you. I'd
have quite happily hit her, except I'd have got away with it as I am female
and sweet and things :)
bad things to such good, good people says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
if i was AT ALL someone worth knowing; i would come~on to you
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, haven't you done that before?
bad things to such good, good people says:
*as a single bloke, like*
bad things to such good, good people says:
well yeah.
bad things to such good, good people says:
She wants to fade away says:
Thanks anyway...I think?
bad things to such good, good people says:
erm, yeah. it was a compliment. somewhere along the line
She wants to fade away says:
I have to say...although I am not sure if I want to say is nice
talking to you again.
bad things to such good, good people says:
it's difficult. i know what you've done and shit to mess around with me and
all that, but i still like talking to you. perhaps i'm more naive than i
give myself credit for.
She wants to fade away says:
Perhaps you are. Perhaps you know that I am not that bad really.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i think that what it boils down to is that i believe what i'm told and
things. i don't ever have to hear it off "friends" or anything; i just
trust people too easily :|
She wants to fade away says:
Yes well...I'm sorry. but I don't believe I really had that much of an impact
on you.
bad things to such good, good people says:
and yeah, because of you and i having, erm, yeah, i will still have time
for you.
bad things to such good, good people says:
katie, you did. grrrrr.
bad things to such good, good people says:
it was fucked up, because of certain things, but yeah, you were great
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, I rather enjoyed talking to you
bad things to such good, good people says:
heheh. i never realised you could be so vicious, though
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, I did go through a phase
bad things to such good, good people says:
FFS! you were going out with simon!
She wants to fade away says:
That was...weird
bad things to such good, good people says:
just a little :z
She wants to fade away says:
Okay, so I did lie, and fuck about a bit, and looking back on it...I don't
have a clue what I was on. But hey, you and Meg...
bad things to such good, good people says:
christ. meg and i? i still talk to her every day and all that, and i've
told her that the boy is ok.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i still think that there are some issues.
She wants to fade away says:
Heh. It's so weird looking back on things like this, with you.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i KNOW! hehehe. i thought i was with you and stuff
She wants to fade away says:
Did you?
bad things to such good, good people says:
i did, aye. and i was fucking proud :]
She wants to fade away says:
heh, but then you and Stars!
bad things to such good, good people says:
yes, because of, well, she threw herself st me to keep me away from you
because she was doing simon a favour.
bad things to such good, good people says:
She wants to fade away says:
Wow, well complicated wasn't it?
She wants to fade away says:
I'm sorry though, I know I was in the wrong.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. totally.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i thought i was going with you and stuff, but i didn't think for one minute
that maybe you'd had this thing with si! i still got something out of it,
though nicky texting simon to say "mission accomplished" was a bit of a
turn off, though
She wants to fade away says:
Heh. I am not just saying this because it's you I am talking to...but it was
more like I had a thing with you, and Simon was like, the other bit.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i really wish it had turned out like that, yanno? i don't dislike nicky, at
all, and as much as i dislike simon, he's ok. hehehe. you should have said
She wants to fade away says:
Ah well, it's over now.
She wants to fade away says:
All of it, and everyone
bad things to such good, good people says:
exactly :]
She wants to fade away says:
I don't know why I did it. Hmm. How odd that Si and Meg ended up together
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehe. i'm not saying anything on tha
She wants to fade away says:
Okay, Sorry.
bad things to such good, good people says:
no no ! not in a bad way! i just think she could do a little better
bad things to such good, good people says:
*no offence*
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, She...probably could.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hell girl! you've snogged her!
She wants to fade away says:
Hehe so have you :p
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehe. well yeah. erm. *shuts up*
She wants to fade away says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
i haven't snogged her since march @
She wants to fade away says:
Ah I forgot you'd met up with her then
bad things to such good, good people says:
i know :| it was evil of us.
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, see, you're as bad as me
bad things to such good, good people says:
the theory was that it was just to say "bye" to each other.
bad things to such good, good people says:
it didn't work out like that
She wants to fade away says:
I noticed
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehee. and yes, i was as bad as you with all this underground relationship
She wants to fade away says:
Aha, you admitted it. Oh, you know what I miss about you?
bad things to such good, good people says:
erm. the allusions to things i know nothing about?
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
*raises eyebrow*
She wants to fade away says:
I am trying to figure that sentence out
bad things to such good, good people says:
...or, no, i don't know, kates. pray tell?
She wants to fade away says:
Your font.
bad things to such good, good people says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
you'd have to talk to amy to get the same font, and i would not wish talking
to her on anyone.
She wants to fade away says:
Well, the colour as well as the font.
bad things to such good, good people says:
that was why you and i were together? you liked my font colour? SHALLOW!
She wants to fade away says:
Hey, maybe it was deep down somewhere *thinks* It could make a difference
maybe? Heh, in pyschology we are doing about internet relationships
bad things to such good, good people says:
christ. they don't work.
She wants to fade away says:
Yeah, I know, but I kept quiet or they'd all think I was daft
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. it would sound rather strange, just piping up " FUCK YOU INTERNET
RELATIONSHIPS ARE BOLLOX" and then storming out of the room.
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, as if I'd talk like that
bad things to such good, good people says:
you might have been hit by a fit a piqué
She wants to fade away says:
a fit of what?
bad things to such good, good people says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
i have no idea what i'm on about.
She wants to fade away says:
heh, Who would've known? :)
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. will this be on my old LJ later?
She wants to fade away says:
No silly.
She wants to fade away says:
Speaking of Ljs...
bad things to such good, good people says:
as daft as it sounds, and despite shit, i would still want you as a friend,
bad things to such good, good people says:
mine is SERIOUSLY friends only
She wants to fade away says:
Aww, So no chance of being put on it then?
bad things to such good, good people says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
katie, you count as a friend merely because i would've done a lot to be with
you :]
bad things to such good, good people says:
*and it'll piss the kids off*
She wants to fade away says:
Oh yeah
bad things to such good, good people says:
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
Oh i get it
bad things to such good, good people says:
not sure. just wanted attention.
She wants to fade away says:
So, is that a
bad things to such good, good people says:
i'm adding as we speak, hun. none of it is pretty, and most of it is
downright fucked up. ;]
She wants to fade away says:
heh, okay, I'll add you too then. Mine is friends only too.
bad things to such good, good people says:
i know it is. heh. i have tried to see what you're up to! ( in a
non~stalker way)
She wants to fade away says:
You have?
bad things to such good, good people says:
katie, i don't know if this is silly, but i can't turn off any feelings i
have for anyone, ok? no matter what they've done, i still want to know
things. meh.
She wants to fade away says:
Well, we did speak a lot. I kind of looked at yours too :p
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehe. the difference being j00 s1 h4x0r! and i only have my meagre skills
She wants to fade away says:
I can't hack
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehe. my LJ is just random thoughts and not slagging off people. i know
that i should, but i really can't be bothered. karma, aight?
She wants to fade away says:
I don't update like I used to I'm afraid
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. not the 37 times a day updates, then?
She wants to fade away says:
Ah nope :) Bless me
She wants to fade away says:
I swear you corrupted me
bad things to such good, good people says:
ok, time for you to take the piss and share with your MCUK "friends" ~ i miss
you, ok?
She wants to fade away says:
I'm not going to take the piss.
bad things to such good, good people says:
and if i had the chance to corrupt you....

She wants to fade away says:
I don't think you could.
bad things to such good, good people says:
well no. i tried ;]
She wants to fade away says:
She wants to fade away says:
Hehe, Cheers
She wants to fade away says:
Eek, I am glad you Imed me, thanks
bad things to such good, good people says:
She wants to fade away says:
instant messaged
bad things to such good, good people says:
yeah, i know, but why?
She wants to fade away says:
Because...I like talking to you. especially after it being so long
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. it's been far too long, hun. there are very few people i
actually like, but you're one of them. and yes, the vicious streak is part
of it :]
She wants to fade away says:
Heh, added mystery
bad things to such good, good people says:
She wants to fade away says:
Never mind.
She wants to fade away says:
I should go now really
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. almost 10, hun
She wants to fade away says:
yeah I know, damn those rules.
She wants to fade away says:
Chat another time I hope.
bad things to such good, good people says:
hehehe. i would hope so, kates :]
She wants to fade away says:
bad things to such good, good people says:
i know you hate me, but take care, ok?
She wants to fade away says:
I don't hate you!
bad things to such good, good people says:
She wants to fade away says:
Anyway, Night, take care, nice chatting again xxxxxxxxxxx
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