[Yes!!!] & [Ahhh-ha!]

May 19, 2005 02:18

Earlier today:

YES!!! AHHHH!!!!! = 10:32

I GOT FLOOR SEATS IN ROW 3 FOR EVERETTE == OH, BABY! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow, that was a lot of work!!! kept on having to call long-distance because the presale link wasn't working and then when it did, i had 8 minutes to type in all my mastercard shit and whatnot... AHHH, IT WAS SOOOOOOOO STRESSFUL, BUT IT'LL BE SOOO WORTH IT. I JUST HOPE THAT THEY DON'T GO BACK ON THEIR WORD AND STICK ME IN THE DAMN WHEELCHAIR SECTION -- before I bought the tickets, the lady at box office told me that they'd just remove 2 seat for me if they were aisle seats, but there was no way for me tell if seats 37 and 38 were aisle seats or not in the 8 minute countdown!



According to a poll (accurate or not), Connie was voted as 2nd fave to win the "Idol" title = 48%, only to Bo's 68%...

Carrie's vote is only 32%!

If only the votes reflected this poll, we would've had our rocker's finale! --> Oh well, I guess PFTSOB needed Connie for the release party,.. :-)

FYI - Poll's in the bice_squad, a community I joined a long time ago... in order to get the "Idol" results, you have to go through a long questioniare, but I was bored & it was fun :-P

til later,


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