How to post your fanfiction on LJ

Aug 02, 2005 13:19

First, this is more geared toward posting on communities, since you can do whatever you want on your own livejournal. However, some of what I say about communities may apply to your livejournal, so keep that in mind ( Read more... )

posting, fanfiction

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Comments 66

svmadelyn August 3 2005, 01:04:10 UTC
*whistles loudly* Shall be sure to mention this and put it up in a couple of my communities. Thanks for writing!


brown_betty August 3 2005, 01:23:43 UTC
No problem, I wrote this partly for my own gratification because I wasn't able to say it directly to those who needed to hear it. I'm flattered and thrilled if it's useful to you.


thete1 August 3 2005, 02:08:26 UTC
Good heavens, that's wonderful, babe -- I'll have to remember to link to it from my comms.

*... once I remember which comms I actually run*


brown_betty August 3 2005, 02:17:31 UTC
Pets the poor Te.


daegaer August 5 2005, 16:32:37 UTC
Great post!

(And I love your Maccabaean sample template!)


brown_betty August 5 2005, 17:41:42 UTC
Awesome, I knew there was someone out there who shared my sense of humour!



rayne_y_daze August 21 2005, 05:31:05 UTC
This is great! I shall now go pimp this on every community of which I am a member. No...wait. Ah! I'll pimp this on my lj and let it grow from there, rather than have folks wake up tomorrow with 50 instances of this brilliant post. :-) Thanks for sharing!


cat_willow September 2 2005, 01:19:32 UTC
Thank you! Thank you! *Kissing the ground you walk on*


brown_betty September 2 2005, 02:30:38 UTC
If it's useful to you, I'm thrilled!


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