(no subject)

Feb 02, 2007 14:56

This is from my friend Xtin.  Please read and see if you can help out.  This is charity in the most meaningful way.  Every bit we can help can go a long way to helping give this woman back her life.


I just got back from the hospital

A friend of mine, Meredith, is being hospitalized due to complications with her pregnancy. Why you ask? Because right before Christmas, her live in boyfriend tried to kill her, her 22 month old daughter and the unborn baby in order to, "get rid of his problems" He set fire to their 1 bedroom place with gasoline and then walked away. Of course he would go on to completely deny everything but hey, crime scene investigators know what sort of burn pattern gasoline makes and the guy was arrested for arson. Charges for attempted murder are currently working there way through the system. So she lost everything. She is overdue with her 2nd baby and all of the gifts she had received, were gone with the fire. Ive been buying her groceries every week and delivering them to her as well as trying to collect items for the toddler from people I know but now its getting harder. She has been staying in a battered womens shelter but her time is up and she needs to leave. She has nowhere to go when she is released from the hospital.

So here is my call to all of you. Help me help her. I am setting up a PayPal allocated account in her name and in 2 weeks, I will surprise her with gifts of complete strangers. She really just needs to know that SOMEONE cares. Donate something. ANYTHING. I can only do so much but I know it would mean the world to her if someone she hasnt ever even met were to reach out to help her. $1, $5, $10, $100, whatever you can afford. I know everyone can give something.

Id never do this under normal situations but this is desperate. She is having this baby any day now and has NO supplies and NO support save for a few friends who havent abandoned her. I know most of you will pass this by or ignore it, but fo those of you who take just a minute for this mother of 2, I applaud you.

My email address is hoekstra@gmail.com if you have any questions or concerns.

EDIT: $120 so far. Awesome people I have as friends :) I'd love to see it hit $500-$600 to give her enough for a months rent. I will keep buying them food for as long as I can :)

EDIT: $160! Please share this with other women who might be able to help!

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