Nov 29, 2004 14:52
So here goes the update:
Last week finished up all the housey stuff. House was totally ready and spiffied when parents arrived.
Wed was pretty un-eventful. Thursday was good. Dinner went off with out a hitch and was delicious. Drama was low if non existant.
Friday we got up at the ass crack of dawn to shop. But, after rebates and stuff, we got a DVD player for 1.99. =) They gave us an extra 13.00 rebate for having register problems. Also went to the bank to secure a loan for my new computer. I'm doing this mostly to recover my credit. I have no current debt, so taking this loan is actually gonna be a really good thing for me. I didn't like the lady at the bank, but oh well. Handled what we could at the bank, and discovered that in order to secure the loan Dad will have to transfer some of our stock to a Wachovia brokerage account. Not really an issue, just means it's gonna take time. He will be transferring our Lucent stock in, and I will get to use it to secure my loans until my credit score comes up to secure things.
Saturday was crappy.. but on the up side, I got two new pairs of pants. We also went to see Magical Nights of Lights at Lanier. That was nice.
Sunday was reset and recoup. WAY to much family and stress, so I was wiped.
Today back at work. Thank god! I needed some normal for a bit.
Prolly going to the gym after work. I need to. I don't want to think about the calories I ate yesterday. Had a total compulsive eating fit. I hate it when I do that. It makes me feel horrible the next day and I really think the change in chemistry messes with my moods.
Plus I didn't work out all week.