Как в "Ромео и Джульетта" - два дома враждуют, а я люблю
и Россию (но не люблю нашу грубость, самоуверенное невежество, агрессию и лень),
и американский предприимчивый дух - не сидеть сложа руки, их чувство справедливости и правосознания ( но не люблю их поверхностность и эмоциональную тупость, ну, их привычку оценивать жизнь исходя из материальности).
Политические разборки сконцентрированы на образе врага.
Раз есть
враг, для равновесия
должен быть и
Комментарии простых американцев на youtube под роликами о политике :
Angel Ortega прокомментировал видео на YouTube
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aif0KaPWa0c&feature=youtu.be Доступно всем в Интернете - 13 нояб. 2014 г.
Amazing Video Luke! Keep up the great work and keep spreading the message. I'm America and honestly I'm with Russia. Let me explain why. The USA wants a New World Order where there is only One World government, One World Religion, and One World Currency. That's dictatorship. No one wants that! It's redundant.
Americans need to wake up and realize what the US is doing. Russia's stopping the US from achieving that and if it weren't for them where would we be? We'd be a lot closer to that fucking NWO. Our country is full of ignorance and they have dumbed us down to where we no longer think nor question and just accept what we're told and easily influenced. The time is now to stand up for what our founding fathers fought for. Stand up for freedom and peace for all.
Our country will not stand for much for our economy is collapsing, Immigrants are getting imported into our country, the militarization of police. We are the people of this great nation and us being the people of it we have to protect it from foreign or domestic threats. Wake up!
Elizabeth Wilcol17 нояб. 2014 г.
I'm with you there. Putin looks like a knight in shining armor compared to the vile Obama.
David Walsh5 дней назад
Big difference between the USA and Russia is that Russia has a historical world-class leader...whereas the USA has a series of Wall St puppets.
David Walsh прокомментировал(а) видео на YouTube
Доступно всем в Интернете - 14 окт. 2014 г.
Corporations routinely lie about all kinds of things.
The imperialism of the Washington regime is actually driven by the private sector; by the elite corporate interests that literally own the Congress and the government.The banking sector and the war industries for eg.
The private business sector will not be our saviors; on the contrary, they are now moving at the transnational level to literally override governments completely by means of the secret trade agreements being negotiated and written by the corporations.