Nov 18, 2004 19:01
Denver Public Schools is battling the epidemic of obesity with a new course that combines social studies and weight loss. We used to call that "Health." Ah, so less "fat" people in the world ah?. Sounds like a good idea. NOT. Remember. You can't tell fat people that they're fat, because that upsets them. "We handpicked kids who were willing to say out loud, 'You know what? I got some weight to lose and I'm happy to do it,'" said teacher Celeste Archer. Sorry the world doesn't work like that, buddy. "The school offers a social studies curriculum with an unusual combination of topics, including awareness of what's happening in the world, politics, philanthropy, health, nutrition and fitness... Not only are they motivated to drop pounds, they're also helping others around the world who don't have enough to eat." Why the hell does it take a class to get your ass in shape? Why is this stupid? Let me tell you why. Because it won't solve either of those problems. It's virtually impossible to get kids to change their lifestyle based on one class, and that's what needs to happen. It's also impossible to tell people to eat less when there are SO many diets telling them they can eat like a pig as long as they eat the right foods. And let's face it, The Lie is so much more appealing, and thus has a larger following, than The Truth. They have released on how the students will be graded Possible grades: A, B, C, D and Double D.
How about instead
Cancel bus service for all students living within 1.5 miles of their school (1.5 miles would be about a 30 minute walk.). Make them walk/run/bike to school and back. That way, the kids not only get fit, but the school district saves money on not bussing (fat) kids to school.
P.S. to School Districts
Maybe if we didnt serve our kids fast food pizza and burgers IN SCHOOLS everyday, then they would learn a better diet.