Apr 08, 2006 18:04
Omg, why does having friends around make kids do incredibly stupid things? Nanna has some friends over and I just looked outside and Suzy had 4 match books sitting next to her, as well as one in her hand, and she was burning a match. One of nanna's friends had a match book as well, and like suzy, was burning a match. They had a few sitting on the ground by their feet. So I called them idiots, went out there and took the four books sitting by their feet (should have taken the ones they had too, they're just wasting matches... they better not burn anything down...). They all think I'm a tight-ass now but idfc!
What were my parents thinking letting nanna have a party while they were gone? I mean, these kids obviously can't be trusted alone (hell, they don't even trust me alone w/friends over, and mine don't burn the sidewalk). I mean, did they really expect me to look after these little morons? Too bad, I'm leaving soon. If my house is burned to the ground when I get home, not my fault. I'll move in w/one of you. Byes**
Austinaires concert in one hour! WOO!