Well I think I just had the worst possible night ever. My day went fabulous- haha, but my night was effing horrible. Everything just fell apart. I cried the whole way home and felt like dying. So yeah, but I feel a little bit better after writing the stuff you'll see WHEN you click on the link below. Tomorrow is election day and I'm so excited for everyone to just STFU already. :) I'm going to be sooo happy tomorrow night/ Wednesday. I know who I want to win but I'm not sure if he will get elected or not. Just to let you know I am Bush and I hope that despite your believes you atleast respect him for what he has done to keep this country running since 9-11. I can see the viewpoints of Kerry, but regardless George W. Bush and his "people" are the ones who kept our country running since 9-11. I hope you all read the below stuff. Thanks. I sounded really gay just now and below so ENJOY! I love you.
Tomorrow is election day as we all know. Although most likely unless I don't know you- you can't vote. But it is important to make sure the people you know and love that can vote do. It is our right and especially the women you know- we fought and died for this cause. Everyone should vote, no matter who you are voting for. If you don't vote you have absolutely no right to complain about how this country is run the next for years by BUSH, KERRY, or hell NADER! So since most of you reading this are in Virginia and do not have school tomorrow please let everyone you know to get out there and vote. We're all plenty sick of the ads on TV and radio telling us who to vote for but there haven't been enough telling us to just get out there and vote. I'll stress again PLEASE TELL THE PEOPLE YOU KNOW WHO ARE 18 AND OLDER TO VOTE! VOTE FOR SOMETHING! Oh and comment and tell me- if you could vote who would you be voting for? Just wondering if we could vote, who would win. So for the last time- get out there and encourage everyone to vote.