Drink and Draw, part 1

Sep 17, 2009 18:36

So some friends and I have started organizing a Drink and Draw gathering once a week. It's just what it sounds like- Haul your ass down to the designated bar with your sketchbook in hand for a few beers and an art party! I think this may end up being my new highlight of the week, and it will be excellent for forcing myself to draw more. :3

(There should be an "and" over the beer glass, just didn't get to drawing those letters in.)

Anyway, if there's any Louisville people out there who ever want to join us, we'd love to have you! Just drop me an email and I can give you the whens and wheres. (It obviously doesn't matter how good or bad you are of course, the point is just to make some time in the day to actually do it.) It'd be awesome if we could turn it into a big gathering and a chance to meet other fellow artists. :D

Also, UPS. I hate you. Every time I have something sent by them, it comes to Louisville, then goes to LEXINGTON and then comes back to Louisville. Good job on that efficiency there!

sketch dump, drink 'n draw, art

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