Hello my dearest Aric!
Sorry I've missed the last couple weeks of updates! For week 20, I was too excited to know that you were a boy, and week 21 found us in Colorado! So here's an update for week 22 (which, by the way, means I'm in the 5th month of pregnancy).
This month, you will be the size of a
papaya. This means that this month, you will grow to weigh about a pound and a quarter (that's right! we can start speaking in pounds instead of ounces!!) and you will be almost 12 inches long.
So what does that mean for week 22? It means that this week, you have reached that one pound milestone and are 11 inches long! Also, your length is now measured from head to toe, not head to butt anymore! You are growing so fast it's astonishing!
Here's about what you
look like right now. In the drawing it shows the baby head down. You, my dear son, are feet down. I can tell this because when you kick, I feel it right above my pelvis. This will be great when you start getting bigger and doing some real damage to my bladder!
You are now forming tooth buds under your gums which will pop out during that amazing time called "teething." Wait, did I say amazing? I meant cranky :)
And now, on to this week's quizlyx:
How far along? 22 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: As of my last doctor's appointment, I have gained 10 pounds! wOOt!
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? No new ones, just growing old ones.
Sleep: Better. Although last night i ended up stealing all of the covers and completely turning them around and pinning them between my legs. Despite his best efforts, your dad could not get the blankets out from under me and had to sleep with an afghan!
Best moment this week: For week 20, it was knowing BOY! For week 21, it was your dad feeling you kick! This week, I'm not sure!
Movement: Big time! So much so that your dad and Auntie Mols felt you!
Food cravings: Chewy chocolate chip cookies. There was an incident revolving around this food that just doesn't need to be discussed again.
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: Being able to enjoy all the brew-pubs and the Coors brewery tour we went on.
What I am looking forward to: Buying a crib this week (maybe!!)
Weekly Wisdom: Don't steal covers from your spouse!
Milestones: You weigh a whole pound!!!