Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

Jul 01, 2009 15:04

That's what you are made of!!

That's right, you are a boy! Our little Aric Joseph!

I have to be terribly honest with you, I was convinced you were a girl this morning. After another girl dream last night, I just knew it! When the ultrasound tech pointed out your plumbing, I said "Are you sure??!!" She said, "With boys, there's never a doubt!"

Sure enough, we got a good shot of your parts. Although I must say, it was tough to get a good shot! Your legs were all curled up, but you were in a kicky mood, so when you reached out to kick, the tech grabbed a quick shot.

You are very healthy and everything looks perfect! You are on your way to an excellent start at life!

Know that already, your father and I love you very, very much, and based on the reactions from our family and friends, you are going to be one spoiled little boy!!

Now, off to dust off the trumpet and the baseball bat .. hehe ;)
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