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Jul 08, 2007 16:50

So Wed, yeahhh def hit up Ipsco with the sibs. I like that place =):P How sweet am i?!  Then I worked 445 till 9ish and went and met up with Brittany and all her chums at BPS for her bday! Happy Bday my love! And then they were gunna hit up a party but I was still in my work clothes and stuff so then I left, and met up with Tia and we met up with Blake and went backroading and star watching. It was interesting? Not gunna mention I find him really ....creepy.  ANYWAYS ...theres a story to go with it but I dont feel like explaining it. I did have a good night but yeah hes just an AHOLE. 
Thursday I sorta had work. An meeting in the afternoon which lasted 2 and a half hours. YAWN. But hey, ya get paid. Anywoot...then I got sunnys finally. Uhhrrrmmm...then ball game and we lost. wow surprise surprise. Annnd then I hit up the world with Tia and Amix and we chilled with Destiny, Ashley, Rose and Darian and it was a very interesting night. I found a person similar to me, and it was kinda cool. She was chinese, suppper neat !
Friday pretty much was a kiss of hell for me. I went on a rampage but I dont want to explain it on LJ...how sweet would that be.  Went to the beach with Fraser and met up with Krista and J.Bagan.  Hrmm....and saw all my homies from grade nine like Mel and Amanda and saw Paige and ppl it was a nice time plus the fact it was 100 degrees.  Then I worked till 9 and then got fucked up after. CRUNKKKKED hahah...yeasss I went to K.Garns and just gott fucked ...and Chase drove my car! haha...iuno what the hell i said that night but it was fun =)  Sheila kept makin me drinks. woootskis yeahh
Then Saturday morning I was a hurting unit I had to get up so early to scorekeep but it was worth it. made 225 buckaroos in total =) 25 bucks a game.
I did that all day then came home and Tia marie came over then we hit up Danis for a fire but I left cause I was ''sick'' but mostly I just didnt want to be there....shhhh dont tell! I was suppose to go to K.garns grad bbq and play beer darts but no one wanted to come plus i had to babysit the bra for a bit and then i was still hurtin from the night before. ohhh yeahhhh!
Then I score kept a bit today and now I got my own game soon. Gunna go watch the riders hopefully destory for a bit...so until the next update keeper real hunnie.
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