I am deeply concerned about a friend and need to get my mind off of it for a minute. SO here comes a little more background on ghostly things.
OK, before I start I thought it might be good to do something I should have done before posting the first doll story: give you a visual idea of what my grandparents house looked like.
Pardon that this stuff isn't to scale. And yes, the basement floor was larger than the upper floor, oddly enough.
Main Floor:
THe upper floor has a restaurant style booth as the breakfast bar, and my grandmother always sat there watching her soap operas and stuff during the day as she had a little TV on the table.
The stairs out of the kitchen went down to a little landing that had a door to the back porch. They had an open backyard with a ton of trees. The landing then had a stairwell down to the basement.
The basement really was huge, and the bar was really cool, they had it all stocked out with glasses and liquor and everything. Even had the bar style sprayer nozzle thingy with the different little buttons on it for water or seltzer or whatever. It was a fully functional bar is what I am saying.
There isn't much of interest on the main floor unless you want to examine it as a frame of reference for the previous doll story. My aunt was stuck in her captain's bed in the room labeled (aptly) Aunts' Room. When the 2 younger girls were living at home they shared that room. After my mom moved out, my grandfather used her room to store all his historical stuff.
The basement was the really interesting floor. As you can see in the lower left the doll had a shelf all to himself. It was 6 feet wide, 7 feet tall, and about a foot deep. My grandfather built it out of scrap metal. You can see the storage tunnel which was all but full of boxes. Where the washer and dryer were you could always feel eyes on you from that stupid tunnel.
The wall at the top labeled picture wall was a wall where my grandfather hung antique family portraits... like the old 1800s kind. And a few... I think they call them cameos? Anyway, pictures of ancestors.
The shower in the upper right corner was interesting... it was black tile, black grout, black shower curtain. The walls surrounding it were soundproofed, and the way the opening was to the toilet area you really couldn't hear shit from in there. My grandfather had it built that way as a sort of sensory deprivation chamber. It didn't matter how bright the bulb outside the curtain was... it was like showering in the dark, and dead silent. I cannot tell you how many times I saw things in there...
Anyway, I just wanted to get the visual stuff out because I want to post a story about non-doll related activity and it's important to have a picture in your mind.
Peace & Light,