So its been 138 weeks....

Sep 12, 2009 10:03

And I'm sure most of you know whats gone on in that time.

Lets see,

Moved to Glassport(if you don't know where that is its ok, noone does. For simplicity sake lets say its near Century III)

Left Bernies, I had worked there for almost 5 years doing 3+ jobs everyday. I built our website, alone. Including item descriptions, pictures, HTML maintenance, pricing research ect. While this is not a TON of work, its a good bit for one person, its time consuming. On top of that I also still worked the front counter and was the only one who knew WTF was going on tech wise. So anytime someone came in that knew what they were talking about, yep, my customer. I was sick of it, esp. for under $9 an hour (30 hours a week)

So I left and got a job at AGH. Allegheny general hospital, for those of you that done know. Working in Out patient Psych. Doing med record filings, pulling and replacing charts, running charts to Psy and MDs. Ok job, especially with a $2 raise and an extra 10 houra week. I effectively doubled my income!

Started playing WoW. Its not a terrible game, infact its quite good but it doesn't hold my interested the way Diablo (1&2) or alot of the FF games do. It seems the next expansion to WoW is going to be interesting, two new races, Goblins and Worgens:


Personally i want to make a Goblin(have since i started) but I have a feeling that Worgens are going to be the Flavor of the month race, thats ok, flavor of the month players tend to be less than average kids to who are more worried about aesthetics, than ANYTHING. Ok so aesthetics is ok, I know a guy that LOVES wolves, i can't see him playing anything but Worgens, thats ok, but to repeatedly change races just to look different? eh, think thats kind of.... lets just say with the kind of time it takes to get a toon to 80 and do all the end game content for titles, mounts ect. I wouldnt be doing it.

Fiance got into wow. Which is cool cause we play together alot. My hunter + her rogue, My shaman + her paladin, my shadow priest + erm no one? its alot fun.

So after all of this fun and games, here comes the bad:

I've been having back problems for a long time now, back problems that cause me to not be able to reach the floor, not able to get into(or out of) bed. It hurt to sit, stand and lay down. I'd have to get comfortable and then, 20 minutes later sit down, then 20 minutes later stand up. I'm not catholic and I never did like "Stand, sit, kneel, repeat" -.-

Well after all these problems started to get to a debilitating level I went to the chiropractor(Bernies did NOT give me insurance and with the crap pay i couldn't afford it) I have... Scoliosis (bad but not bad enough for surgery) caused by a combination of a misaligned hip and traumatic events (Dirt bike and bicycle crashes when i was a kid, car accident, falling down stairs at work because someone left a bunch of AA batteries on the steps..... ect) I also have an inverted curvature of the neck and a bulged disc in my spine (neck) These two are probably the cause of my constant migraines since before high school)

So great I know my problem its semi-treatable and I have insurance and a decent job right? WRONG

after 4 months at AGH they lay off well over 100 workers and since i was one of the lasts ones in, I get the boot. So. Now I'm unemployed. Which our lovely govt bases my pay off not what I made at AGH but what I made at Bernies! so right now I'm getting $100 a week, my bills are about $125 a week so I've been eating into the $1k a had saved up, thank god im dome with my payments to my Chiropractor which is $130 a month, now I can afford to live, thank for my fiance has a damn good job, or we'd be screwed.

And BTW, trying to get a job SUCKS. I have applied everywhere I can think of and have gotten a few calls back asking if i can lift anywhere between 75 and 100 lbs which, I could, if not for my back. It's not like i apply to unload trucks I guess 23 yr old male = pack mule.

So with me losing my job and everything i had stopped going up to The Geekadrome as often as I had been, which sucks cause I liked going up to do geeky things, but with out money and its rather out of the way from where we live, it sucks. Then, Mitch left. Now nothing against Paul or the friends I made up there but that hurts my chances of going up, I've known Mitch since 2nd grade. He has been one of my best friends ever since. I wish it was easier to get there(on the bus its 3 buses, in the car its 45 minutes and we hadn't really been playing WH40k or MTG much) I should go up there next week. Maybe go monday after I go to the UC office. Idk, I DO miss D&D but it seems Mitch wants to start a new campaign maybe this time there won't be 10+ players. DMing a group that big is like me trying to gracefully fall down the stairs and into a giant pot of sausage gravy. (no idea where it came from but now I want sausage gravy and biscuits.)

Anyways. Has life been great? meh, but life has defiantly not been terrible. Gotta learn to laugh at yourself and say "shit happens" Maybe I'll update more often, I'll try to, that is if theres anything to update about.

geekadrome, sausage gravy, back, laid off, unemployment

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