Stolen from Amanda's Xanga...

Oct 02, 2005 09:20

The "Have you ever...." quiz

1) Go to the top of the Empire State Building.  No
2) Eat at a Waffle House.  yes
3) Visit Newfoundland.  no
4) Perform on stage.  Yep, with the school band and with a 5 man rock band.
5) Have sex in a public place.  erm.... not YET
6) Have a beach bonfire with a guitar player and a 40 ounce bottle of beer. no... wish i could though.. ill even bring the guitar!
7) Stargaze til the sun comes up. Its been a while
8) Climb to the top of the Mayan pyramid at Chichen Itza.  no
9) See the Grand Canyon.  yep, i was 10 and i can still remember it clear as day.
10) Do it doggie style.  As in Doggie paddle, then yes :-D
11) Go to an old fashioned clam bake.  no
12) Visit a Third World Country.  Only if west virgina is a 3rd world country.
13) Skinny dip.  Hell yes! i dont own a hot tub to go in with cloths on... what are you nuts?!
14) Witness the birth of a child.  yes
15) Walk down Georgetown and 16th street in Indy the night before the Indy 500.  no but i should.
16) Have a job you actually love.  i love my current job most of the time.
17) Write a novel.  in high school i had to write a short novel.
18) Sing karaoke... sober.  no, but i've played on stage with a rock band whos singer wasn't up to par and had to sing AND play drums..... thats hard.
19) Stand on top of a 14,000+ mountain and holler directly to God.  Does 11,000 feet count?
20) Do something impossible.  Yes, everything was once thought impossible
21) Tour Washington DC.  Yep, i was 12.
22) Get married.  Erm.. i dont think ill ever get married :-(
23) Ride a horse.  yep, i love it.
24) See a tornado.  ohhhhh yeaaaaa....
25) Laugh until you momentarily lose bladder control. yes
26) See a drive-in movie.  yes, Independence day!!!
27) Tell someone off that actually needs it.  Y-E-S YES!
28) Spend a New Year's Eve in Times Square. no, too crowded.
29) Learn to play an instrument.  Yea... try 5(or more) off them
30) Gamble in Vegas.  been to vegas, but i was 10. awesome city just no gambling yet
31) Ride in a hot air balloon. No but thats been on my "to do" liist
32) Talk to a homeless person on a bus/train/ferry. yes, cmon its pittsburgh!
33) Learn to drive a stick.  I know how to even though i cant LEGALLY drive...
34) Go to a movie alone.  Once, dont remember what it was nor do i care much
35) Eat sushi.  yep.
36) See a musical/play on Broadway. no but if Spam-a-lot isn't in pittsburgh soon im going!
37) Attend Mardi Gras in New Orleans. nope... and well... i dont think im going to be anytime soon!
38) Learn a foreign language.  A little
39) Learn to Scuba dive.  done it once.
40) Suck a crawfish head.  no, as amanda said... "im not sure that 'suck' 'crawfish' and 'head' should ever be allowed in a sentence."
41) Sleep on a beach.  yes, inadvertantly
42) Backpack through Europe.  not yet..
43) Skydive or Bungee jump.  an other not yet..
44) Roadtrip - crosscountry.  manytimes.
45) Drive a race car.  nope
47) Take one illegal drug.  well i had a little accident with my perks when i was taking them for a concussion.... i took 4 accidently...
48) Volunteer.  Boyscouts much?
49) Have sex with the groom's or brides brother or sister. no but i will if shes not :-p j/k!
50) Eat an oyster.  yep
51) Drive 400 miles for a cinnamon roll?  why? i have a bakery down in northside...
52) Taste Rocky Mountain Oysters.  yes i have
53) Run a marathon.  yes and no. did one in school
54) Learn to blow glass.  seen it done, yes. done it, no.
55) Own a pet.  Yep, my angel girl... thats really a bitch.
56) Visit the Great Wall.  an other not yet...
57) Join the "Mile High" club. heh... no but i want to!
58) Go white water rafting. sort of.
59) Pet a koala bear.  yea.
60) Add some kink to your sex life. amanda had it right "What is with the sex questions?"
61) Have sex on a unicycle. and she had it right again here too... "OMG IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!" though... its a funny as hell mental image...
62) Swim with dolphins.  i've petted the dolphins AND Shamoo when sea world was still around in ohio
63) Meet up with an attractive fellow blogger in Vegas for one incredible night of wanton sex and gambling?  no but it sounds fun, anyone up for it? :-D
64) Give a nice card to someone for the hell of it.  yes
65) Watch a movie on one of the beaches of hawaii during sunset.  no but take out the movie and add some dancing chickys and ill be there.
66) Kiss someone and get butterflies.  yes.....
67) Play with a baby tiger.  no but got to pet one.
68) Kiss a child's boo boo and make it all better.  yes
69) Paint a picture and hang it in your house.  at first i thought that said "horse" not house... scary. but no i cant paint
70) Go to a foreign country.  yes, canada counts
71) Face a fear.  yep
72) Spend Canada Day in Ottawa.  no but since its canada and they are conspiring to take over the world..........
73) Drive Hwy. 17 from Thunder Bay to Sault Ste. Marie in early October.  what?
74) Visit Mt. Everest Basecamp.  no, not yet
75) Buy a home.  no...NOT YET!
76) Walk naked on a nude beach.  no... NOT YET!!!!!!!!
77) Shout "Fuck them all" at the top of your voice while standing on Tower Bridge (or any other bridge, for that matter).  heh, ohhh yea... been there done that
78) Dance for four hours solid and have your picture taken afterwards.  YES! SKA IS DEAD!!!! STREETLIGHT MANIFESTO!!!!!!
79) Stand on Primrose Hill at midnight, and look down on the city of London.  no but i've seen pictures.
80) Hug a small child.  yea...
81) Hug an old person.  yea...
82) Call somebody who lives on another continent and talk for more than two hours.  Talked to beav for a while but not that long (he's from england)
83) Go to the top of the lighthouse at Tybee Island.  no
84) Fall in love.  Yea... a long time ago.
85) Taking a picture of yourself standing on a toilet.  No - but it is now on my to-do list
86) Take a picture while sitting on a toilet--doesn't have to be of yourself.  no...
87) Go to a party where you didn't know the host.  yep
88) Go After the guy/girl that you want becuase you know its right.  yes
89) Watch 4th of July fireworks from the Brooklyn Bridge.  no
90) Learn to ride a motorcycle.  yes
91) Sleep for twenty-four hours solid.  36 but whose counting
92) Stay up for twenty-four hours solid. yes
93) Be a nudist for a day.  Not yet, but the idea intrigues me
94) Let someone go in front of you in the grocery store line because they have less stuff than you.  yes
95) Go to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.  yes
96) Put bandaids on your nipples for Commando day.  OMG when is this day?
97) Vote for a non-mainstream party candidate.  erm... no.
98) Pretended to be really rich to see if people would treat you differently.  yep
99) Kiss in the rain.  yea, its fun :-)
100) Subscribe to Michael Sean.   no, but i've seen sean michaels...

and more wisdom from amanda...


15 Things to entertain yourself at Walmart when you have no money.
1. Get 24 boxes of condoms & randomly put them in people's carts when they are not looking.
2. Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5 minute intervals.
3. Make a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to the rest rooms.
4. Walk up to an employee and tell him/her in an official tone, "Code 3" in housewares . . . and see what happens (best if timed just right with #2).
5. Go to the Service Desk and ask to put a bag of M&M's on lay away.
6. Move a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.
7. Set up a tent in the camping department and tell other shoppers you'll invite them in if they bring pillows from the bedding department.
8. When a clerk asks if they can help you, begin to cry and ask ''Why can't you people just leave me alone?"
9. Look right into the security camera, use it as a mirror and pick your nose.
10. While handling guns in the hunting department, ask the clerk if he knows where the antidepressants are.
11. Dart around the store suspiciously while loudly humming the theme from 'Mission Impossible.'
12. In the auto department, practice your "Madonna look" using different size funnels.
13. Hide in a clothing rack and when people browse through, say "PICK ME! PICK ME!"
14. When an announcement comes over the loud speaker, assume the fetal position and scream "NO! NO! It's those voices again!!!"
And last but not least:
15. Go into a fitting room, shut the door and wait a while and then yell loudly "There's no toilet paper in here!""
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