So I never post ever but I randomly had an urge. first semester of college is basically over and my grades are less than spectacular (except of course programming) but acceptable. still with meghan (almost 9 months clue how). still searching for a job and have been since february.
Been going up to yipsi for saturdays to play warhammer 40k with marc and Dnd throughout the week but that's the extent of my social interactions. Home life is alright. I'm never around so I don't really know the goings on. fathers still off work from when he had hernia surgery and every week he has to fight the damned workman's comp lady for a check. I won a fucked up sprue and some snipers yesterday at GW which was a nice bit of a perk.
Mental states deteriorating as per usual. snow finally hit the ground and is making it a pleasure to drive anywhere in my Camaro XD. looking forward for my next programming class and the 2 math classes next semester at U of M dearborn -_-;.
Lately I've been stressing over not having a job and money to fill my tank and just being a regular burden on my father and of course he's the main reason for my stress in most situations. like the other day in which I had a job lined up that I was almost gauranteed to snag when my father goes on a rant for 3 straight hours against me working up in ypsi due to snow and gas and other bull-shit.
Xmas is comnig is a few short weeks and I really can't wait to partake in gifts and hopefully chill out a bit...I have the random urge to have a breakdown at this moment but it doesn't seem quite the appropriate time and I'm holding on to my composure as for now. my typing sucks as much as ever and makes me seem more and more dyslexic each time I type XD.
Haven't started work on marc's model of his flier or the warhound titan yet...think I posted about both things like several posts back but oh well....the campaign starts in January and that'll be a load of fun.
Just in case anyone has cared enough to glance at this it's entirely random musing and ranting and feel free to disregard anything aforementioned as it my be due to my emotional state or lack there of at the moment and I don't wish anything to be taken in offense or as ridicule.
but I can't say why